Sunday, February 23

13 TRUTHS shared by Matthew McConaughey

Now they may be truth to me….

But don’t think that makes them mine…..Because you can’t own truth.

1, LIFE IS NOT EASY….Do not fall into the trap, the entitlement trap of feeling like you’re a victim. You are not. Get over it and get on with it.

2. UNBELIEVABLE IS THE STUPIDEST WORD IN THE DICTIONARY….Give others and yourself more credit. It just happened. You witnessed it. You just did it. Believe it.

3. Joy vs Happiness…Happiness is an emotional response to an outcome. If I win, I will be happy. If I don’t, I won’t. If happiness is what you are after then you’re going to be let down frequently and you are going to be unhappy much of your time. Joy is a different thing. It’s something else. Joy is not a choice. It’s not a response to some result, it’s a constant. Joy is the feeling that we have from doing what we are fashioned to do, no matter the outcome.

4. DEFINE YOUR SUCCESS…humility is not vogue, anymore, it’s too passive. It’s a get rich quick on the internet rich as in 15 minutes of fame world we live in, and we see it every day. We all want to succeed right? So the question that we got to ask ourselves is…What success is to us? What success is to you? Whatever your answer is, don’t choose anything that will jeopardize your soul. We’ve all got two wolves in us, a good one and a bad one, and they both want to be fed, we choose which one to feed.

5. PROCESS OF ELIMINATION IS THE FIRST STEP TO OUR IDENTITY…aka, where you are is not as important as where you are.The first step that leads to our identity in life is usually not, I know who I am. That is not the first step. The first step is usually, I know who I am not. Process of elimination. Get rid of the excess, the wasted time. Decrease your options. If you do this, you will have accidentally, almost innocently put in front of you what is important to you, simply by process of elimination.

6. DON’T LEAVE CRUMBS…What are crumbs? These are the choices we make that make us have to look over our shoulders in the future. They come in the form of regret, guilt, and remorse. You leave crumbs today, they will cause you more stress tomorrow. They disallow you from creating a customized future in which you do not have to look over your shoulder. So let’s flip this script, instead of creating outcomes that take from us, let’s created more outcomes that pay us back, fill us up. Keep your fire lit, turn you on for the most amount of time in your future. These are the choices I’m talking about. This is the beauty of delayed gratification.

7. DISSECT YOUR SUCCESS…We so often focus on failure, don’t we? We study failure. We’re obsessed with failure, we dissect failures in our failures. Our obsession with what is wrong just ends up breeding more wrong, more failure. The easiest way to dissect success is through gratitude. Giving thanks for that which we do have, for what is working, appreciating the simple things we sometimes take for granted. Now, I am not saying be in denial of your failures. No, we can learn from them too, only if we look at them constructively as a means to reveal what we are good at, what we can get better at, what we do succeed at, as a means to reveal what we are good, what we can build on and what we do succeed at.

8. MAKE VOLUNTARY OBLIGATIONS…I’m talking about you versus your obligations. We have to have them/ They are your secrets with yourself, your own private counsel, personal protocols. An honest man’s pillow is his peach of mind. And when you lay down on that pillow at night, no matter who is in your bed, we all sleep alone.

9. FROM TO WANT….Even when it means having more, be discerning. Choose it because you want and or need it. Do it because you want to do it.

10. A ROOF IS A MAN-MADE THING….it’s because we have created a fictitious ceiling, a roof, to our expectations of ourselves. A limit where we think it’s all too good to be true. It’s not. We do our best when our destinations are beyond the measurement, when our reach continually exceeds our grasp, and when we have immortal finish lines When we do this, the race is never over, the journey has no port. The adventure never ends, because we are always on the way.

11. TURN THE PAGE…guilt and regret kills many a man before their time. So turn the page, get off the ride. You are the author of your life. Turn the page.

12. GIVE YOUR OBSTACLES A CREDIT…I think fear is a good thing. Now, why? Because it increases our need to overcome that fear. Say the fear out loud, admit it, give them the credit they deserve. Don’t get all macho, and act like they’re no big deal. So be brave, have courage. When you do, you get stronger, you get more aware, you get more respectful of yourself, and that which you fear.

13. HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN WE CROSSED THE TRUTH?….Someone asked, Why did I pick 13? That’s an unlucky number. I woke on this 13th morning to a rising sun, surprisingly, fresh and energized. My gut was still a bit piqued from last nights purge, however, curiously I felt pretty good. I felt alive, felt clean, felt free and light. And somewhere in my captivation, I heard this little voice inside my head say these words…”All I want is what I can see….and all I can see is what’s in front of me.”

See I crossed the truth that morning. Now did I find it? I don’t know. I think it found me. Why? Because I put myself in a place to be found. I put myself in a place to receive the truth.