Traditions are fun and I would like to share one with you. When my kids were small we would go out on Saturday before Easter and plant jelly beans and then the next day Easter morning they would run outside to find lollipops. Special decorated ones. It has been a favorite tradition till they grew out of it now I have the pleasure to watch them, even virtually, plant their jelly beans so carefully and then hear their squeals the next day when they find their special lollipops.
If you have small ones, I will share my tradition with you, its alot of fun.
Now for the rest of the fun facts…of April
The term “April Fools” was probably meant as a deliberate stab at All Saints (November 1) and All Souls (November 2) Day. Although the origin of playing practical jokes and pranks on this day is hazy, many folklorists believe it may go back to 16th century France. At that time, New Year’s Day was March 25, with a full week of partying and exchanging gifts until April 1. In 1582, the Gregorian calendar moved New Year’s Day to January 1. Those who forgot or refused to honor the new calendar were teasingly called, “April Fools” Weather folklore states, “If it thunders on All Fools’ Day, it brings good crops of corn and hay.