Thursday, January 23

Author: admin

Cytokine Storm: When the Immune System Goes Awry

A cytokine storm occurs when the body’s attempt to fight off an infection leads to an uncontrolled inflammatory response. This response harms cells and tissues and can lead to organ damage and even death. It has been estimated that 28% of deaths from Covid-19 have been due to cytokine storms. If you eat a poor diet or are overweight, the associated chronic inflammation may lead to a heightened risk of developing this dangerous immune response. Following a nutrient-dense, plant-rich Nutritarian diet strengthens your immune response so you won’t be a victim of a cytokine storm. Let’s Take It From the Top. What Are Cytokines? Cytokines are a category of proteins that play an important role in cell signaling. They are produced in response to an antigen and function as chemical messe...

The Unspoken Truth Behind Miscarriages and Infertility

As a pelvic health physical therapist, I have a deep passion for helping women. I’ve dedicated my career to bettering my knowledge and understanding of women’s pelvic health through becoming a board-certified women’s health clinical specialist and authoring “Between the Hips: A Practical Guide for Women.” I felt well-equipped to provide my patients with compassionate, exceptional care. However, on July 24, 2020, my life was changed forever. It was our first OB appointment. I was 10 weeks pregnant. The appointment went nothing like we had imagined. There was no heartbeat, our baby wasn’t growing, and I was likely going to miscarry. I had two more ultrasounds spaced out over two weeks, both confirming no growth and no heartbeat. On Aug. 7, I needed a D and C (dilation and curettage), and ...

Broken Heart Syndrome Is on the Rise

The emotional stress of a broken heart can lead to cardiomyopathy and a broken heart. The incidence of this heart condition is rising in this group of people. Smidt Heart Institute has published a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association in which they found cases of broken heart syndrome are increasing in middle-aged and older women, even before the pandemic. Broken heart syndrome is more than a myth or an old wives’ tale. The medical term for the condition is Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM) or Takotsubo syndrome (TTS). The condition is named after a pot Japanese fishermen use to trap octopi. The diagnosis was first introduced in 1991 by a Japanese scientist. After the 1991 paper was published, doctors found several more cases in the following 10 years, bu...

The Importance of Being AWE-Inspired

Introduction: The field of positive psychology is providing valuable insights on exactly how our emotions influence our physiology. One area of body function that is very closely tied to our emotional experiences is the functioning of our immune system. Our emotional state not only influences how well we are protected from infection but also the degree of inflammation that we may suffer from. Two new studies have found that the most powerful emotion in fighting inflammation is the feeling of awe. Background Data: While there have been a lot of studies on the impact of emotions on physical health, in general, these emotions are most often all lumped together. Negative emotions like grief, sadness, shame, fear, and anger are all viewed as having pretty much the same effect...


This article is amazing on many levels, especially when he addresses the emotional components that lead to any and all health challenges. When someone has any type of the "C" word it signals that they do have unresolved issues that need immediate attention and get these issues resolved. In this article the gentleman has Colon issues. Let's look at just the "C" word. In the book "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die" it states that the "C" word is an eating away, whatever area it hits, those are the issues that need to be dealt with immediately. In the case of this area, which he does write about, the "C" word was in his colon which holds the energy of hate, anger, bitterness. Buy the book, rent it from the library whatever, just start addressing your emotional issues, which is the basis...

Sync Pink Noise With Brain to Get Better Deep Sleep

Gentle sound stimulation—such as the rush of a waterfall—synchronized to the rhythm of brain waves significantly enhanced deep sleep in older adults, report researchers. The sound stimulation also improved the older adults’ ability to recall words. Deep sleep is critical for memory consolidation. But beginning in middle age, deep sleep decreases substantially, which scientists believe contributes to memory loss in aging. The sound stimulation significantly enhanced deep sleep in participants and their scores on a memory test. “This is an innovative, simple and safe non-medication approach that may help improve brain health,” says senior author Phyllis Zee, professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a Northwestern Medicine sleep specia...

Anger Just Might Be Your Liver Talking

Ancient medicine, modern medicine find connections between emotions and our organs It’s difficult to imagine our internal organs having an influence on how we feel. Most of us see emotions as responses to external situations, or internal thoughts. But what if our organs might have some part to play in the complex world of feelings? The ancient Greeks, for example, believed that the liver was the source of our emotions and the center of the soul. Even the words we use today to describe the liver like “hepatic,” “hepatitis,” and “hepatoma” come from the ancient Greek word “hepar,” which means liver. The ancient Greeks also knew, quite rightly, that the liver had the ability to regenerate, and they thought this was due to its divine nature. We can see this in Gree...

9 Home Remedies To Improve Eye Health

Many changes occur as we age. Our skin becomes less tight, our hearing may fade, and our vision could deteriorate. But growing older doesn’t mean you have to give up on your good health. When it comes to your eyes, for starters, there are several natural ways to improve them, no matter your age. Preserving your vision is important to you, there’s no doubt about that. Before you turn to costly drugs or surgery, you’ll definitely want to try these home remedies. Acupressure for Eye Health You may have heard of acupressure, which involves applying pressure to points in the body to boost circulation and promote healing. This treatment is similar to acupuncture, but instead of using fine needles, fingers target the healing points. Acupressure for eye health is an effective...

These Five Substances Protect Your Liver

In a world rife with toxic exposures, you must protect your liver as if your life depends on it — because it does. Here are five substances that can help keep your hardest working organ humming Your liver is one of the hardest working organs in your body, regulating an array of biological processes that are critical to health, such as metabolism, blood sugar, plasma and cholesterol production, and the removal and breakdown of toxins in the blood, to name only a few. Liver diseases, also called hepatic diseases, are among the most serious threats to human health. Adding to the risk is the lack of safe and effective treatments, as most synthetic drug-based interventions carry black-box warnings of potentially serious adverse side effects. Five Hepatoprotective Su...

How Your Gut Impacts Your Health

More attention than ever is being put on your gut health, and understandably so, considering a significant proportion of your immune system resides in your gastrointestinal tract. As such, optimizing your gut microbiome is a worthwhile pursuit that will have far-reaching effects on your physical health and emotional well-being. Mounting scientific evidence also continues to suggest a large component of nutrition centers on nourishing health-promoting bacteria in your gut (and elsewhere in and on your body). In doing so, you keep harmful microbes in check and shore up your protection against chronic disease. ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, obesity, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease are but a few of the conditions found to be influenced by your gut microbi...