Wednesday, January 22

Author: admin

The Omega-6 Apocalypse

How the ubiquitous use of processed seed oils ushered in a new age of disease The majority of Americans are being misled by official health recommendations to eat “healthy” vegetable oils. Even the term “vegetable oil” is misleading because it gives you the impression that you are receiving vegetable micronutrients when these oils are usually toxic, industrially processed seed oils. Seed oils are a key ingredient in processed foods and some of the most dangerous “foods” you could eat. This is even more of an issue today since the high amounts of oxidative stress these oils cause seriously impair your immune function and radically increase your risk of all infections, including COVID-19. In my view, eliminating all seed oils is every bit as important as optimizing your vitamin D le...

Doctors and Nurses Speak on the Consequences of Rejecting Mandatory Vaccination

If doctors and nurses are willing to lose their jobs over these bio weapon designed jabs....what do they know that we know and you aren't hearing on any reputable news outlet. Let me ask you this for those who are reading this.....More people will research every detail of every herbal formula that is given them and question it to death, however they will offer their arm in a moment for a bio weapon designed mutation therapy that will last your entire life and possibly be transmitted to your unborn children. Do your research with reputable medical doctors who are on the frontline, not some news outlet that is reading a scripted response. Health care workers who cannot take a COVID-19 vaccine due to medical, religious, or ethical objections are being fired from hospitals that man...

Commissioner Suggests Health as Defense Against COVID-19

Viable Options Blog
What a novel idea....actually using health as "frontline defense" ..... In a recent opinion piece for the LaCross Tribune, Frank Edelblut, commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education, posed what some vaccine-focused health officials on the COVID-19 front lines might call a radical idea: Why not work on getting healthy to fight COVID-19? “It’s not an anti-vaccination statement to say, vaccinating Americans will not make Americans healthy,” Edelblut wrote. He cited studies showing that COVID-19 patients with a range of comorbidities are more at risk for getting COVID-19, having a severe case of it, and even dying. And most of the comorbidities are diseases directly connected with poor lifestyle choices, beginning with obesity, which he said is “the top health c...

The Pandemic Contributors We Don’t Talk About

Viable Options Blog
Toxic exposures can undermine your immune system and make viral infections deadly The COVID-19 pandemic has focused on a singular target—SARS-CoV-2—and how to neutralize it using an injection. But the issue of viral illness is so much larger than a single virus or one pandemic. Humans and viruses coexist. It’s a daily reality that you’ll be exposed to one or more of them, but not everyone will get sick. What determines how you fare when exposed to any given virus is a complex mix of genetics and toxic stressors that degrade your immune system. Those “toxic stressor exposures,” which can be chemical, physical, biological, or psychological in nature, hinder your immune system’s ability to fight off viruses, and they deserve greater recognition in the fight against COVID-19 an...

Do You Have Upper Crossed Syndrome?

Viable Options Blog
Sitting at your computer and looking down at your phone often lead to slouching and slouching takes a toll. If you’re like me, chances are you’re sitting in front of your computer or looking down at your phone right now. Not only that, but you’re likely also slouching. All of this slouching and looking down really messes up your posture and can cause something called upper crossed syndrome, or UCS. It happens when the muscles of your upper back, shoulders, neck, and chest become out of balance. What’s happening is that the muscles in your upper back—your trapezius and levator scapulae—become strained. At the same time, the muscles in your chest—your pectoralis major and minor—get tight and become shortened. From the side, these muscle groups tend to form an X shape,...

The Power of Being Decisive

Viable Options Blog
Getting quicker with decisions can help you crush procrastination For the past three months, I’ve had an unopened corkboard sitting on the floor next to my desk. I bought it with a plan, but then my plan changed, and I procrastinated on returning it. Then, I entered into a period of indecision about what to do with it. Put it in the attic? No, I would never see it again. Hang it? Why go through the effort if I didn’t need it? Sell it? It’s barely worth it. It became just another one of those small but irritating items that never left my to-do list. Until today. Today, I finally just decided. I took three minutes and posted it on Facebook Marketplace for less than half of what I paid (something is better than nothing, right?). And if it doesn’t sell in two weeks, I’l...

Omega-3 Levels Linked to Longevity: Studies

Viable Options Blog
Being low on omega-3s could be as serious a risk for early death as smoking A recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition spanning 11 years and more than 2,000 participants yielded a startling finding: When comparing omega-3 index to conventional cardiovascular risk factors in older adults, it shows that having a low blood omega-3 index is as strong a predictor of mortality as smoking. The average age of the participants at the beginning of the study was 65. Their blood fatty acids were measured, and they were followed for 11 years. There were 2,240 participants and 384 deaths over that time. Comparing Omega-3s and Smoking The omega-3 index is a measurement of the two types of omega-3s—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)...

Why Do I Always Wake Around 3 a.m.?

Uncategorized, Viable Options Blog
Manage your metabolism by feeding your liver what it needs to do its work—without waking you up Usually also if a woman is menopausal or even post menopausal....that 3 AM wake up call will usually result in night sweats, hot flashes or just laying there wide awake. The more your liver is addressed .... by detoxing it and supplementing this wonderful organ with minerals .... the more restful sleep you can get....whether your a man or a woman. There is a frustrating and all-too-common phenomenon that plagues many a sleeper. It goes something like this: Falling asleep is no problem, but in the early morning hours, one wakes up agitated and restless. This can last up to an hour or two before finally falling back asleep. Upon rising is the feeling of being unrested, what we call “non...

Do You Feel Guilty Relaxing?

People who don't value leisure time are more prone to stress and mental health issues In this busy, modern culture, there can be a lot of pressure to be on the go, doing something “productive.” This societal attitude can make us feel as though we’re wasting time whenever we engage in activities such as watching TV shows (or sports), having whimsical conversations with friends or family, or simply spending time outdoors relaxing. I’ve felt this myself when doing something leisurely, which used to make me feel rather guilty. Although I knew it wasn’t particularly healthy to work every second from the time I hop out of bed in the morning to the time that I go to sleep at night, I’d still have this nagging feeling that I should be busier, doing more work-related activities, rather than “...

Mordy Quotes….

Uncategorized, Viable Options Blog
You will always have more of what you complain about, and more of what you appreciate. The principle behind this is, whatever you focus on increases. I know you want more, but be grateful for the ones you have. Learn to appreciate the things you have before it becomes what you had. Don't wait to have everything you desire before you become grateful for what you have, rather be grateful for what you have so you can have everything you desire. Gratitude always leads to abundance, and ingratitude leads to scarcity. Do a gratitude list weekly or monthly or semi-monthly. On New Year's Eve, I always do a ceremony that includes everything I want and or need for the coming year. Sometimes it takes me months to make the list, it's not time-consuming really, it is being mindful of ...