Wednesday, January 22

Broken Dreams

The following poem has been hanging on my wall either in my office or the room I have designated in my home. It was given to me some 30 plus years ago by a woman I love dearly, whom I talk about frequently, Sister Carol. It was given as a reminder that when I ask God for something I remain open to how that would be coming to me, it rarely comes the way I suspect it would become.

It’s like when I go to the grocery store looking for something and it isn’t where logically it should be….and I say something to the person helping me locate it and they shake their heads and usually say something like….” you know every time we get a new manager everything moves around and we suspect it is so their wives can find it…” however I digress….


As children bring their broken toys

With tears for us to mend.

I brought my broken dreams to God

Because He was my Friend.

But then instead of leaving Him

In Peace to work alone,

I hung around and tried to help

With ways that were my own.

At last I snatched them back and cried,

“How can YOU be so slow?”

“My child,” He said,

“What could I do?

You never did let it go.”

We ask our God for what we need and want and then we decide how it should show up. We decide how big the box is, the color of the bow, the time and place. We put all our thoughts into the HOW and never any thought into the FAITH part of it.

We are all facing our challenges in the Who, What, When, and Where department and we all have to learn our own way through all of it. Everything happening in the outside world has to be dealt with by each individual, individually as to where they are in their life path, how much we have learned through our own journeys in life that help us fill our ditty bag containing our gifts, talents, and skills.

This isn’t a contest, no one is above anyone else, we all come in with our own play and through life, we meet the characters in our play. Some are there for one scene, two scenes and some are there until the final curtain comes down. Through all of this, we can and do have rewrites, scene changes, and the tempo of the music gets rearranged. However, and sometimes this doesn’t seem true, we are always in charge of our play and our players. Anyone and everyone who is in your play are there to either add to our life or it seems like they are trying to destroy our life. No one actually comes in to destroy our lives. Their job is to show where we have a weakness and to help us change that weakness into a strength, and if receptive we help them do the same. When we write our life plan, before coming to this plane of existence, we do so with the ultimate target of perfecting our souls.

As challenging as that sounds and seems, God knows. I know that feeling, intimately…..UGH!!!! We quiet our minds (shut down our phones) and listen carefully, hear and see-through closed eyes and a quiet heart God picking out the right sized box, with the perfect bow and putting it on his calendar as to the perfect time to deliver it. We must always stay aware of our energy flows so when our gift shows up we know it and can take advantage of it. Trust me no one will be on a loudspeaker announcing….So and so you have a pickup in aisle 5.

So let it go….let it happen….let God