Wednesday, January 22

Cancer Is NOT A Disease

Every once in awhile a book comes along and if are willing and able to shake your belief system up then you open the cover and start to read.

I actually ordered as a gift another book for a friend and this title caught my eye….I was curious so I read the back cover, then I ordered it and I have not put it down since. I barely got through the introduction, 3rd paragraph and there in black in white 2 statements that I have been saying for nearly 30 years.

Cancer is one of the body’s most sophisticated healing mechanisms and will only kick in after one or both of the following, rarely suspected, preconditions have been met:

  1. The body’s main waste removal and detoxification systems have been rendered inefficient…..most of us are in autointoxication (Self Poisoning)
  2. A major psycho-emotional stress situation has been resolved or is no longer relevant in the person’s life

Then he proceeds throughout the book with facts, figures, researched papers by revered medical doctors and professors. Esteemed universities, government research papers, etc., proving that cancer is the bodies last-ditch effort to heal itself.

Medical research papers proving that every diagnostic treatment the medical field has is not based on any scientific research…..bold statement, however reading the book you start, hopefully, putting two and two together.

I had so many passages marked that I was actually going to write however if what I have written so far hasn’t enticed you to order the book and read it yourself then nothing will. It is written in layman’s terms so it is a very easy read and he does an excellent job explaining the medical jargon used in the researched papers.

All I can say is if you ever had cancer…..know someone who does have it, want to ensure you can make an even more informed decision just in case than this is the book you should be reading.

Let me give you another carrot stick. Did you know that radiation alone cannot cause cancer? Likewise, a poor diet alone cannot cause cancer. Cigarette smoking alone cannot cause cancer either. Emotional stress alone is also not sufficiently able to induce cancer growth. Cancer involves the whole person: diet, lifestyle, relationships, society, and environment. This is a very important point to understand.

So if these little excerpts have intrigued you then I would suggest that your order it from Amazon as soon as possible.

Cancer is NOT a disease by Andreas Moritz