Saturday, February 22

Just My Thoughts

Here is the intro:
Welcome to Just My Thoughts. Thoughts that have kept me awake at night, thoughts that randomly jump into my brain, usually at the most inopportune time and thoughts born out of stories from my beloved Sister Carol, my wonderful Aunt and Uncle, my thousands of clients throughout the years and actual stories involving yours truly.
These are stories that can be political, spiritual, esoteric, and financial, they can deal with relationships, whatever, they are separate from what is published in the monthly newsletter simply because they are based on Just My Thoughts. They have no scientific backing and the healthy stories that I share can be traced back to a doctor, nutritionist, chiropractor and so on.
If you are reading this than you have agreed that you really want to not only open that box that you have put yourself into you want to smash it and instead of looking for another box, you find a comfy chair with a side table to hold your drink of choice as you look out your window at the beautiful scenery.
So if you are ready lets begin:

My Gratitude List on Losing My Son

Just My Thoughts
Interestingly, I have had 4 clients and a friend ask me how to walk past the grief of losing someone. I don’t claim to have all the answers and I struggle with things every day. I seek out the answers in many different ways as long as they make sense to me and most importantly, they speak of my God and his holiest and highest angels.   When I lost my son, my heart was shattered, and I had no idea how to even begin to put it back together. The first month I was in shock, and I truly don’t remember even getting up and going to the office. Clients and friends were very loving, however their kindness and words never penetrated through the pain I was in.   His last words to me were screams on the phone pleading for help as he could not breathe, for weeks I could barely...

Israeli vaccine chief: “We have made mistakes”; finally a public health official/scientist, accepting responsibility & saying they were wrong; Covid will be “like flu”…big praise for honesty

Just My Thoughts
The biggest mistake of the pandemic in Israel was closing schools and education – he apologised for that; Widespread infection is now an inevitable part of future immunity — otherwise known as herd im Dr. Paul AlexanderJan 184032 Everything he said here, I and others GBD have said day 1 and we were smeared and slandered…took them 2 years and slandering us and killing hundreds of thousands with no early treatment, a failed vaccine, and lockdowns and school closures… I do take issue with his last statements on the folk 50 and over not wanting the vaccine, and renounce care, its as if saying if a car crashed and 4 folk in it but one had no seat belt on, that the ambulance will only tend to the 3 with belts on…it shows his hubris and arrogance and GOD like thinking…all else was well s...


Just My Thoughts
Survivor, a top TV show for years and I think it may still be on TV for that matter. I am maybe one of the few that have never watched an episode, mainly because I could never ever believe that someone was in such ultimate danger with a camera crew not more than 10 feet away. Then the drama of all the personalities and then booting someone off…..yikes. I personally believe that most often people, even those on the show truly wanted, if they weren’t in the running for the money, just wanted the thrill of wearing the shirt … I AM A SURVIVOR …. I just recently saw in the grocery store this morning a woman wearing a shirt that made me smirk…yes smirk….I survived the 2020 toilet paper shortage. I, like many have a lot of trouble wrapping our minds around the fear that has gripped pe...

What Is A “Cultural Myth”

Just My Thoughts
When you look around in the 21st Century the only medicine practiced in the hospitals is Medical. The only medicine your insurance pays for is medical. The only medicine they teach in school is medical. TV shows are always based on medical medicine. The only other medicine, when talked about is taled disparagingly, those "quacks" those naturopaths, those chiropractors.....quacks....quacks....all of them they are dangerous.... Do you know what ad hominem is? They are arguments that do not argue the facts, an ad hominem arguments disparage people. When you debate people, like politicians, they don't argue with facts, they tend to slur and slander the competitors, and this is what has happened here for the last 100 years or more. The only medicine practiced in any hospital ...

When Everything Changes Change Everything by Neale Donald Walsh

Just My Thoughts
I have read many books by this author and they are all very spiritual, very thought provoking, very soothing to the soul. This book actually fell off the shelf at the local library, as many books do if you are needing what is inside when I walked over one day from the lofts that I was living in at the time. I had just lost David a few months prior to this aimless walk around N. Kansas City and actually ducked into the library to cool off. As I said this book literally flew off the shelf and I picked it up and started to look through it.... On the flap, it read..."This book speaks to the heart of every person who has lost their bearings in the aftermath of a major life change ... and to those who would help them. I immediately checked this book out and then I ordered it from Amazon t...

What If’s…..

Just My Thoughts
What If Life is truly an illusion and we are really living in a Matrix. Remember, back in 1999 a really far out, special effect movie came out that every one was raving about. What If it was just another way of either warning us or trying to wake us up to what was really going on. My late husband, David always had an inclination that movies where more than just entertainment, they always held a lesson, a wake up call, a sort of what to do list. When he decided to become more involved with FEMA and certain parts of the FBI he learned a lot of things the average individual isn’t privy to, me included.  Finally one day David said….”you know that the government has a contract with Hollywood to produce films that tell people in plain sight what is really happening and then they use a ra...


Just My Thoughts
Now remember when you click on this button you truly wanted to read my thoughts so if you don’t like my thoughts then as they use to say…..”turn the channel” in this case “unclick the button”…. I picked up a magazine from a local store the other day, one that I like to preview for the recipes and catering layouts. I use to cater and still do on occasion so I always am interested in different ways of not only preparing food also in presenting the food. As I finished the magazine I closed it and on the back cover was PRIDEMONTH….I stared at it for a moment or two and instantly I was reminded of an article featuring Morgan Freeman who was being asked what he thought of Black History Month….his reply “if you want to stop racism….stop talking about it” then he went on to say “Why do we ha...

What I Take On A Daily Basis and Why

Just My Thoughts
What Does Linda Take On A Daily Basis…..and WhyEvery so often a client or a friend will ask me what do you take every day?Since I had major surgery in February clients are very interested in how I prepared for this coming event.My surgery was booked in December for February so I had a few months to prepare my body for thetrauma that would ensue.I really didn’t do anything more than anyone could or should do if they aren’t having emergency surgerywhich would alter the time allowed to prepare. You can always ask someone at the health food storethat usually has someone designated to the herbal section, so what I am trying to say is you don’t haveto be a Master Herbalist to put a program together all you have to do is think about what areas aregoing to be affected and build those areas.Let me ...

Introducing JustMyThoughts

Just My Thoughts
JMT will over a wide range of topics that I have voiced my thoughts over for years and remain unchanged in many of them. I have been asked over and over to do this blog and finally I relented and decided instead of brewing over things I will share them and get them out of my mind and my heart and in doing so it may help anyone out there who is wondering about the same issues. Welcome to JMT (aka…. Just My Thoughts) I could not possibly have this blog and relate my thoughts without all of you getting to know Sister Carol. Her name is Carol and out of deep respect I have always referred to her by her professional title, Sister Carol, order of the Sisters of St. Joseph Mercy. She is a retired Mother Superior of 40 years. I met Sister Carol when the Catholic Church gave the nuns the o...

Can Simple Be Enough?

Just My Thoughts
For the past 8 years I have moved several times, both business and personal....feels like a constant rolling stone. Through these moves I have given away lots of stuff, virtually lost lots of stuff and currently I am storing lots of stuff. I have come full circle with the idea that I do get anxious and nervous when there is clutter and then I realize most often I do not know what to do with all this clutter. I need to digress a tad and let you know where an article comes from that has answered my questions. I subscribe to a wonderful newspaper that gives you facts, just plain facts, and allows you to decide which way you want to choose all facets of your life, whether they be political, financial, spiritual, mental, physical. The Epoch Times has become my go-to read every morning an...