Saturday, February 22


Organs Age at Different Rates, Raising Disease Risks

A ticking time bomb may be hiding inside your body—and a new, simple blood test could reveal whether you’re at risk. Scientists have discovered that specific organs in the human body can age prematurely, up to 15 years faster than the rest. This accelerated aging increases the chances of developing diseases such as heart failure and Alzheimer’s within a few years. “The major advance from our study is that we show that we can now measure the biological age of your organs with a blood test,” Hamilton Se-Hwee Oh, co-lead author and a student in the graduate program in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine at Stanford University, told The Epoch Times. The findings could inspire a personalized approach to medicine that targets high-risk organs before they trigger systemic deterioration. ...

A Handful of Nuts per Day Could Keep Heart Disease Away

Next time you reach for your daily apple, pick up a handful of nuts as well. It could do your heart some good. Scandinavian researchers reviewed 60 studies and found a strong association between nut consumption and heart disease and the risk of heart attacks. They found that as little as a handful of nuts—which is about 30 grams—every day could lower the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease by 20 to 25 percent. The researchers found that more nuts are better, but that eating just a few nuts per day is better than none. Was there a magic nut to focus on? Not really, they said. Although almonds, pistachios, and walnuts appeared to be the best at lowering cholesterol, they found no conclusive evidence to recommend some nuts over others. That’s great news for you because y...

A vagus nerve reset involves a set of interventions that can alter brain activity and address autonomic nervous system dysfunction. While there’s still a lot of exploration to be done in the scientific and medical communities to more thoroughly understand vagus nerve dysfunction and how to treat it from a practical and clinical standpoint, we have enough information to create an educated approach.

Key Takeaways: The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body and connects nearly every organ system to the brain stem and cortex. Vagus nerve dysfunction can lead to a number of mental and physical health problems, like lightheadedness, anxiety, digestive distress, and sleep issues. Healthy lifestyle choices like gentle exercise, meditation, and a nutrient-dense diet act as non-invasive forms of vagus nerve reset. Other holistic interventions include multiple types of massage, breathwork, and laughter. Heart rate variability (HRV) is the best way to indirectly measure vagal activity, also called vagal tone. Electrical vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is the conventional approach to vagus nerve stimulation but is only FDA-approved for a small number of conditions, is inva...

Top 10 COVID Events of the Year: Revealing the Facts Unspoken and Unknown

Here are the top 10 major events that took place in relation to COVID in 2023. The story of COVID-19 in 2023 has been full of revelations and controversy. Most health leaders involved in the U.S. pandemic response have resigned or been replaced, with one of the most notable figures making waves with a study that offered a controversial take on vaccines. Compared with 2022, the science on the effectiveness and risks of masking and vaccinations has become increasingly clear with the release of highly authoritative studies this year. Let us review the top 10 events that took place in relation to COVID in 2023. 1. FDA and CDC Find More COVID Vaccine Adverse Events, Including Stroke Beginning in January 2023, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) showe...

14-Hour Intermittent Fasting: A Manageable Approach for Losing Weight, Improving Mood, and Enhancing Sleep Quality

This approach can benefit individuals dealing with chronic insomnia and anxiety, too. Intermittent fasting has become a go-to strategy for health and weight management for more and more people. Recent research suggests that avoiding eating for a minimum of 14 hours each night and restricting eating to a 10-hour window during the day (14:10) can enhance sleep, mood, and energy levels while reducing feelings of hunger. This approach can benefit individuals dealing with chronic insomnia and anxiety, too. It can also be helpful for those facing issues such as fatigue and increased hunger resulting from dieting for weight loss. The Different Forms of Fasting There are various forms of intermittent fasting. In a 24-hour cycle, the most rigorous form is perhaps one-meal-a-day ...

The Silent Epidemic Eating Away American Minds

Billy was a bright 10-year-old boy with two Ivy-League-educated parents. He was book smart—got straight A’s in school—but lacked street smarts. He was also a poor sport. Billy would frequently lie and cheat when playing board games or participating in team activities and have full-blown meltdowns when he lost. His friends, who had been with him since kindergarten, began losing patience. His parents recognized that something had to be done. So Billy’s parents brought him to Dr. Victoria Dunckley, a pediatric psychiatrist specializing in screen use. After a four-week “screen fast” prescribed by Dr. Dunckley, which eliminated all TVs, phones, and video games, Billy’s problems miraculously cleared up. His parents were so pleased that they decided to maintain the fast. Six months pa...

Understanding the WHO’s Plans For Us

Uncategorized, Viable Options Blog
How does Big Pharma persuade journals, hospitals, and government to be so corrupt? According to this interview by Tucker Carlson, most have no idea how elaborate Pharma’s bag of tricks is. It’s nothing short of an intellectual property racket—and you'll be gobsmacked at how it works. The video above features an interview with American podcaster and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein by Tucker Carlson.1 Originally aired Jan. 5, 2024, in it, they discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, “the game of Big Pharma,” the catastrophic effects of the mRNA shots, and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) plan for humanity going forward. It’s an excellent interview you won’t want to miss. The Big Pharma Racket Explained Mr. Weinstei...

Let’s Keep Kicking The Sugar ….

You may have thought of cutting back on or even quitting sugar. But how exactly should you go about it, and, more importantly, how can you achieve the greater goal of overcoming excessive cravings for sweetness? From 2005 to 2009, at least 74 percent of packaged or processed foods contained added sugars. Even if you don’t have the habit of eating sweets, you may unintentionally consume sugar in excess. For instance, added sugars have dozens of names, so you might not even know you are eating them despite reading ingredient labels. Nevertheless, quitting sugar is not an impossible mission. Many people face challenges not because they cannot quit but because they don’t know how or they set overly ambitious goals. You can break it down into steps: First reduce sugar, then quit al...

The Silent Gatekeepers of Your Immunity Many People Don’t Know Of

Our tonsils are soft, oval-shaped nodes, neither flesh nor fat, that stand like bodyguards at the place where the outside enters our insides. Our tonsils are soft, oval-shaped nodes, neither flesh nor fat, that stand like bodyguards at the place where the outside enters our insides. They work tirelessly to protect us against viruses and germs that enter through the air we breathe and the food we eat. Most people only know that sometimes doctors remove tonsils to resolve a problem, such as chronic tonsillitis. Rarely are the potential consequences of this procedure described and neither is the essential role the tonsils play. The Miraculous Immune System (The Epoch Times) Summary of Key Facts Tonsils are a part of the lymphatic system that form a ring-like gatekeeper...

1 to 2 Cups of Coffee May Inhibit COVID Infection: Study

That morning cup of Joe may do more than perk you up for the day; it could protect against infection from different COVID variants. Your coffee habit may be doing double duty: jumpstarting your mornings and providing COVID-19 protection, according to a recent study. New research reveals that coffee, enjoyed worldwide for its signature fragrance and flavor, may fend off illness by preventing SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, from attaching to cells. Coffee—Regardless of Brew—Lowers Risk Previous research shows that a diet rich in polyphenols (compounds in plants with antioxidant properties) may boost immune function and reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms. A recent study published in Cell & Bioscience went further and examined whether drinking coffee, ...