Sunday, February 23


Positive FeedBack to Keep You OnTrack

Put some wind in your sails by making sure you have something to celebrate. (bruce mars/Unsplash)MIND & BODY Positive Feedback Loops Set up a system that rewards you for staying with your intentionBY LEO BABAUTA March 1, 2021 Updated: March 1, 2021biggersmallerPrint If you want to be more disciplined about your day, you might tell yourself, “I’m going to wake every morning, meditate for 15 minutes, plan my Most Important Tasks, and then get started and follow the plan. No doubts about it.” And then your plan gets hit by distraction or interruption, and you feel bad about it. You try again the next day, start out well, but then at some point, you get off track and feel discouraged. Three days into this attempt, and you feel like you are completely undisc...

Get Ready for the Next Chapter in Your Life

The routine patterns of life can be interrupted by an unexpected crisis. That can be hard to deal with. It can also be a rare chance to step up.(Alex Sipeta/Shutterstock)MIND & BODY The struggles we’re enduring can be a call to retreat—or encouragement to push forwardBY JAY HARRINGTON February 14, 2021 Updated: February 14, 2021biggersmallerPrint In screenplay and novel writing, the inciting incident is the event that gets the story rolling. It’s the action or decision that introduces the problem that the story’s main character must overcome. In “Jerry Maguire,” it’s the moment that Jerry writes his manifesto about the need to put people first in the sports agency business. It leads to his firing and he walks away from his power job to start over. In movi...

Yoga, LifeStyle Change and Food Choices…..

Yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch instructs a yoga class in Hartsdale, N.Y., on Jan. 16, 2017. The 98-year-old Porchon-Lynch has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest yoga instructor. (DON EMMERT/AFP/Getty Images)MIND & BODY Preventing Alzheimer’s: A Mind and Body Approach Diet, exercise, and mind care are key to staving off an illness that drugs can do little to stopBY CONAN MILNER February 14, 2021 Updated: February 14, 2021biggersmallerPrint More than 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease—and that number is expected to triple in the next 30 years. Given the staggering costs and impacts of patient care, medical researchers are keen to head off this statistic. But so far, pharmaceutical drugs can only slow the on...

Healthy Snacks for When You Are On The Go.

Healthy snack concept, top view. Let’s face it, life keeps us pretty busy. In order to have the energy we need to keep up with everything, it’s important to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and get a good night’s sleep. But when it comes to eating on the go, we may find ourselves grabbing a bag of chips or candy bar, and as a result, feeling tired later. Fortunately, there are some simple, fast, and healthy options that will not only boost your energy, but will leave you feeling good about your choices. Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds are a great on-the-go snack option loaded with fiber and healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids. Not only are they tasty and convenient, but they’ve been correlated with some great health benefits, such as a decreased risk of developing Type 2...

Could a Too-Clean Society Trigger Food Allergies?

Composition with common food allergens including egg, milk, soya, peanuts, hazelnuts, fish, seafood and wheat flour By: Dr. Mercola Systems in our body that protect us from toxic food may be involved in the dramatic rise in food allergies, say researchers. Rising rates of food allergies may be the result of environmental factors and a misfiring protection system, propose four immunobiologists from Yale University. A paper published by the scientists in the journal Cell suggests an exaggerated activation of the body’s toxic food protection system in response to environmental factors is behind the increase.(1) They write that as many as 8 percent of children in the United States have a potentially deadly response to what are classified as the major eight food allergens. The...

13 TRUTHS shared by Matthew McConaughey

Now they may be truth to me.... But don't think that makes them mine.....Because you can't own truth. 1, LIFE IS NOT EASY....Do not fall into the trap, the entitlement trap of feeling like you're a victim. You are not. Get over it and get on with it. 2. UNBELIEVABLE IS THE STUPIDEST WORD IN THE DICTIONARY....Give others and yourself more credit. It just happened. You witnessed it. You just did it. Believe it. 3. Joy vs Happiness...Happiness is an emotional response to an outcome. If I win, I will be happy. If I don't, I won't. If happiness is what you are after then you're going to be let down frequently and you are going to be unhappy much of your time. Joy is a different thing. It's something else. Joy is not a choice. It's not a response to some result, it's a constant. Joy...

GrandMa’s Wisdom

In difficult times, you move forward in small steps. Do what you have to do, but little by little. Don't think about the future, or what may happen tomorrow. Wash the dishes. Remove the dust. Write a letter. Make a soup. You see? You are advancing step by step. Take a step and stop. Rest a little. Praise yourself. Take another step. Then another. You won't notice, but your steps will grow more and more. And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying.- Elena Mikhalkova(Image of Tasha Tudor, American Illustrator 1915-2008)

Numbers Never Lie

2021 is a 5 year. How do we get this number, simply by adding 2+2+1=5 A five year is all about self responsibility. The more we are disciplined to have self responsibility the more FREEDOM we achieve. This coming year will see many of us hunkering down and working on ourselves in major ways. Often I have spoken about the "two" worlds that exist. Our personal world and the world that we have very little control over, that is the world that those who are in power do all their schemes and power plays. I taught my children this when they were small. Stretch your arms out....this is your private space, no one enters this space without your permission. I taught them to set their boundaries within this space. Even today, as they are both grown adults I do not enter their space without ...