Sunday, February 23


The Endocannabinoid System

This is an article that truly explains exactly how the CBD Oils work within your system. Viable Options has researched for months a truly outstanding product within the reach of everyone both for mental and physical challenges along with it being kind to your pocketbook. Take a moment and read the article and then if you have any questions you can reach me at either or text me at 816.438.3451. If you choose to go to the source and ask your questions please do not hesitate contacting Robin at and she will be happy to help you. Understanding and Supporting the Body's Ancient Communication Network is first and foremost. When the frequencies of your body are disrupted by any means it is imperative that you bring these frequencies back to ho...

The History of BBQ’s

The word barbecue comes from the language of a Caribbean Indian tribe called the Taino. Their word for grilling on a raised wooden grate is barbacoa. The word first appeared in print in a Spanish explorer's account of the West Indies in 1526, according to Planet Barbecue. Since then, the popularity of barbecues has spread like wildfire. The history of barbecuing in America dates to colonial times, and it has been a part of American culture ever since. In fact, one of the first laws enacted in the colony of Virginia during the 1650s forbade the discharge of guns at a barbecue. When we won the Revolutionary War, laid the cornerstone of the Capitol, and built the first bridge over the Missouri River, the events were commemorated with barbecues, said Steven Raichlen, author of ...

BBQ Recipes

There is a saying....A good cook follows a recipe....A great cook follows their heart...!!! I have never met a recipe that didn't need a little tweaking.....and BBQing isn't any different. Here are some yummies to try over the Labor Day Weekend. Grilled Picnic Chicken In a bowl, combine 1 1/2 cups of white vinegar, 3/4 olive oil, 6 TBSP water, 4 1/2 TSP salt, 1 1/2 TSP poultry seasoning, 3/4 TSP garlic powder and 3/4 TSP pepper. Remove 1 cup for basting; cover and refrigerate. Pour remaining marinade into a large shallow dish; add 3 (3 to 4 lb) broiler/fryer chickens, cut into pieces. (You can decide here if you want to change up and do all breasts, thighs whatever, the recipe is for a large amount however there is a yummy recipe that you can use the leftovers) Turn to...

Lower Vitamin D Levels Linked to Risk of COVID

I would like to add a few things before you actually read the article published by Epoch Times. Always Be Prepared Like a Boy Scout ..... Virus can't do any harm by themself....they have to have a willing host, and that host shows up in ..... An acidic bodyA sluggish colon (not excreting toxins on a timely basis. If you are eating three meals a day and having bowel movements twice a week you are seriously building a toxic overload and that overload will keep the door of your body wide open for a health challenge just waiting for a home)Over consumption of refined sugars (and these include simple carbs....potato chips, ice cream, doritos, taco chips.....processed meats, alcohol....and anything else your body will deem as a toxic substance. More than 85% of our immune system lie...

Keys to Kidney Health

Our kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that filter our blood and control the body's fluid balance. Our kidney's are hard workers and we should treat them nicely. To read the full story......

Masks….Wear Them…Don’t Wear Them…..

I know. I really have heard it all- apparently, those of us who won't just put our damn masks on would prefer if everyone's grandmas just keeled over and died. How dare we. Wait. Hold up. Do you really think you lived in a society full of selfish assholes who never gave a crap about their neighbors, and it just took a plandemic for us all to show our naked, mask-less faces? Have you taken a moment to think about what could be behind so many people refusing to just cover their face holes? It's easy, you say. Well I don't like it but I do it anyway. I can't breathe but. For everyone else. It's a sign of respect. It's an act of kindness to suffocate myself. That's what they tell me to think, so that's where my thinking ends. Well, I hate to tell you, but many of us have actually given i...

Do You Have A Trusted Friend?

This is a great article and it made me chuckle simply because when I get with a couple of my friends and have an evening I am always asked later on ....'did you get all talked out?" so after reading this article I realize I have to have a very very strong heart.....hahahaha Click on link.....