Wednesday, January 22


Can Fluoride in Tap Water Lower IQ and Affect Sleep?

The debate around whether fluoride should be added to tap water has been ongoing for almost 80 years. Government agencies argue that fluoride helps prevent tooth decay, while opponents are concerned about potential health risks. Recently, there has been some progress in the EPA fluoride lawsuit, which has raised questions about the safety of adding fluoride to drinking water. Some research suggests that fluoride should have been under scrutiny long ago because of a possible link between high levels of fluoride exposure and lower IQ scores and between fluoride and sleep patterns. A Tale of 2 Villages In 2003, a study (pdf) was conducted in the rural townships of Xinhuai and Wamiao in Jiangsu Province, China, located north of Shanghai. The two villages had significant...

Ketogenic Diet Can Help Improve Autoimmune Diseases: Current Studies

The benefits of a ketogenic diet may extend far beyond weight loss. It may also benefit those with autoimmune disorders. Why Does Ketogenic Diet Help With Autoimmune Disease? Surrounded by controversy, this dietary approach is characterized by low consumption of carbohydrates, (less than 50 grams per day) and a higher intake of fat. The diet is often demonized for cutting out entire food groups, while advocates maintain its benefits outweigh potential risks. Evidence of the diet’s health effects is long-standing. A systematic review of studies finds overwhelming evidence dating back to the 1990s, that the ketogenic diet is effective to treat drug-resistant epilepsy. Later, it became a popular weight loss diet. There is also considerable evi...

Follow a Motionless Approach to Slow Cell Aging, Enhance Immunity

The earliest records of meditation can be traced back to ancient India. Meditation has become increasingly popular in the West in modern times. Many studies have shown that meditation is good for immunity, the brain, and sleep. According to the 2018 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) briefing (pdf) published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2017, 14.2 percent of American adults had practiced meditation in the past 12 months. Sitting still and trying to unlock one’s mind for essential bliss and clarity is one way to practice meditation, which aims to balance the body and mind and improve self-cultivation. Although the body appears motionless in meditation, enormous changes are undergoing in the genes. Enhances Body Immunity ...

Zen in High Heels

It's finally here for your reading enjoyment and yes finally to get some answers to your emotional blocks.....and finally process them and rid yourself of this anchor that holds you back. Click directly on the link to be directed to Amazon, then click on the Amazon icon that shows up

Release This Emotion to Improve Your Health

I reposted this wonderful article from Dr. Christiana Northrup's page. She is not only a phenomenal OB/GYN (retired) she is a world wide speaker, author and tons of other great and wonderful things. I read her book, Woman's Body Woman's Wisdom three times, I have read all her books and have learned so much from her. The root of this type of behavior is fear. Fear of feeling guilty. Fear of disappointing others. Fear of losing a relationship. Fear of conflict. Fear is what keeps us from telling and acting on our truth. Deciding to break the pattern of self-sacrifice and deprivation can also bring up feelings of fear. This is because when you change the rules to make your needs a priority and act from a place of personal truth, it’s inevitable that you will disappoint someone. You wi...

Domestic Vibrations

One of the most interesting and often requested applications of numerology is it’s ability to describe the conditions and circumstances of domestic vibrations. Domestic vibrations are symbolized by house numbers. A home is a mini reality and the energy vibrations in and around that home are described by the numbers that make up its address. The house number is both reflective and directive. It reflects a set of circumstances which exist in your life durint your residence there. It also directs many situations that may arise during the same time. So, the number of the house you choose to live in can, in many instances, describe conditions which exist in your life, and can help you in how to deal with these conditions or situations. It is important to remember that the house number doe...

Garlic, the ‘King of Cancer Prevention’

Known as the “Cancer-Fighting King,” Garlic has long been regarded as a miraculous healing herb. The National Cancer Institute in the United States ranks garlic at the top of the cancer-fighting vegetable pyramid. Epidemiological studies have shown that garlic has anti-tumor properties, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer’s disease, and even helps eliminate heavy metals such as lead from the body. As early as 1550 BCE, the Egyptian Ebers Codex recorded the use of garlic as a remedy for heart disease, tumors, and headaches. Garlic’s primary, active compound is allicin. Allicin stimulates gastric juice secretion, improves appetite, aids digestion, possesses antibacterial and antiparasitic properties, and is known to prevent cancer. Additional c...

Why an Alkaline Approach Can Successfully Treat Cancer

In the 1930s, an interesting natural cancer treatment was proposed as a simple, effective answer to cancer—almost any cancer. This treatment approach is not well known because it is considered alternative or experimental, or even dangerous[i] by the medical and scientific community, and hence has been referenced primarily in obscure publications outside the mainstream press. This treatment approach is called alkaline therapy or pH therapy, and is based in part on observations of cultures without significant incidence of cancer[ii] and in part on scientific observations of and experimentation with cellular metabolism.[iii] The principles of pH therapy are very simple. The metabolism of cancer cells has a very narrow pH tolerance for cellular proliferation (mitosis), which is between 6...

16 More Reasons Black Seed Is the ‘Remedy for Everything but Death’

Known since ancient times as a “remedy for everything but death,” an increasingly vast body of scientific research reveals that black seed is indeed one of nature’s most potent and versatile healing agents. A few years ago, we wrote an article about Nigella sativa (aka black seed) titled, “The Remedy for Everything but Death.” It described the research on the many ways in which black seed is a potentially lifesaving medicinal food, and is one of our most popular articles, with over 700 thousand social media shares and close to 2 million views. Opening with, “This humble but immensely powerful seed kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon-poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic’s pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists,” the article summar...

The Hidden System That Protects the Brain, Strengthens Immunity, and Keeps Us Balanced

The endocannabinoid system was a missing link in our understanding of the body Our endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a critical layer of our physiology, like our cardiovascular or nervous systems—and it was only discovered in the 1990s. We are just scratching the surface of its vital roles in homeostasis, immunity, and perhaps most notably, its role in neurodegenerative disease. As scientists probe the ECS, they’re finding its influence in nearly all realms of the body. A keen eye toward lifestyle and certain supplements can help keep this system in tip-top shape. How The Endocannabinoid System Works Dr. Christina Campbell, a functional medicine practitioner and board-certified osteopathic physician, told The Epoch Times that she began her investigation into cannabinoids when ...