Wednesday, January 22

Viable Options Blog

Ramie’s Schedule and Pricing

Viable Options Blog
Every other Sunday starting January, 2020 Sunday, January 12th, 2020 1:00 PM to 3:00 Pm Sunday, January 19th, 2020 Same time Sunday, January 26th, 2020 Same time Sunday, February 2nd, 2020 Same time The classes will be held at : Viable Options 6651 N. Oak TrafficWay Suite 13 Gladstone, Mo. 64118 Located next door to the KC Tint Works in The OldTown Center We will have light refreshments and lots of fun. You can sign up for one class or all of them. $25.00 per class separately with advanc...

What Is Future Mapping?

Viable Options Blog
I have used Vision Boards for years. I taught my kids how to make Vision Boards to create the space to bring into reality their wants. Example: My son skated with a team using inline skates. They started at $800.00 dollars and went up from there. He made a vision board with skaters, skating rink, trophies and the skates he desired and a specific request that they are donated so we didn't have to come up with such a sizable amount. The skating rink loaned him a pair however they were used by everyone and not competition quality. About a month went by with Jay (my son) looking at the board first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. We got a call one morning that a pair of skates had been donated by a young man who for many reasons could not compete any longer, he just wante...

What Is EFT?

Viable Options Blog
EFT or Tapping as it is often referred to is an outstanding modality to ease emotional pain, quickly and effectively. It is being used world wide to help our soldiers combat PTSD. Read about and inform yourself and see if it is a way of dealing with any of the issues that keep you from enjoying life. Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT (often known as Tapping or EFT Tapping), is a universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues. EFT operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way. Even for physical issues, chronic pain, or diagnosed conditions, it is common knowledge that any kind of emotional stress can impede the natural healing potential of th...

New Year’s Eve Ritual

Viable Options Blog
To successfully manifest your new intentions, experiences or desires, you must first create space for the new. Every year on New Years eve, I perform a sacred letting go ritual where I write down everything that I am willing to release, to make space for the magic of the new year. Here is an example… would like to have some new clothes however all your closets are filled with old mostly outdated, some too big, some too small ones, however you keep them mainly because they are comfortable and you know how they feel. You are getting older and you realize as you begin to mellow that you aren’t happy in your life and you really want to have new clothes however you no longer have any space, every closet in your home is stuffed with outdated c...

Let’s Clear Up The Myth on Stevia…..

Viable Options Blog
Stevia is Native to Paraguay and other tropical areas of the Americas, the stevia plant (Stevia rebaudiana) produces leaves packed with super-sweet compounds that remain stable even after the leaves have been dried. Stevia leaves have been used to sweeten teas and beverages throughout South America for centuries. It is not chemically made in a laboratory-like NutraSweet or Splenda. It is safe for everyone especially diabetics. Xylitol another non-chemical sweetner often referred to as sugar alcohol can sometimes produce nausea type feeling after use if you are a diabetic. Stevia, on the other hand, is a safe alternative and one that I have used in my tea and coffee for years. Monk Fruit is a wonderful sweetener and again a non-chemically made. This is what I use in all my baki...

It’s The Holiday Season and Once A Year Recipes……

Viable Options Blog
A comprehensive digestive enzyme formula* Ultrazyme™ is a dietary supplement specifically formulated with bile and active digestive enzymes from animal and plant that act synergistically to assist in fat, protein, and carbohydrate digestion in the stomach and small intestine.* Pancreatin USP500 mgSupplying:Lipase1000 USP/FIPAmylase12500 USP/FIPProtease12500 USP/FIPBromelain (a proteolytic enzyme from the pineapple plant)150Extract of Ox Bile50 mgCellulase3L-Lysine Hydrochloride50 mgPepsin 1:10,00033 mg Viable Options has always followed the Eat Right For Your Blood Type. Here are some of the recommendations according to the “Eat Right for Your Type” diet: Those with type O blood should choose high-protein foods and eat lots of meat, ve...

Colon Therapy….A Brief History

Viable Options Blog
The therapy of the colon (large intestine) and its benefits have been known and practiced for hundreds of years. Dating back to ancient times, enemas were recorded as early as 1500 B.C., in an Egyptian medical document called the “Eber Papyrus”. Hippocrates, Pare and Galen also advanced the use of enema therapy. In earlier times, people implemented enema treatments in a river by using a hollow reed to induce water to flow into the rectum. At an early time in America… Enemas were a commonly used procedure to help maintain health and stave off disease. For example, before the departure of the Lewis and Clarke expedition, a physician instructed them in the appropriateness of using enemas in cases of fever and illness. Our grandparents and great-grandparents grew up with the use of...

Probiotics….Your Gift of Health….

Viable Options Blog
Probiotics are live bacteria that help keep your digestive system healthy. The colony of microorganisms in the body is essential in maintaining physiological processes, most notably the conversion of food to essential nutrients and transport of nutrients in the body. Before we delve into sources of probiotics and their associated health benefits, let’s understand what they are, how they function, and the mechanism in which they influence other functions in the body. You will find that you can improve your gut’s bacterial ecosystem (a.k.a. gastrointestinal microbiome) by eating fibrous plant foods, complex carbohydrates, fermented food, and taking probiotic dietary supplements.    Probiotics are “good” bacteria that: Supports healthy gut function and d...

When Your PUSH PUSH PUSH Won’t Bring Out the DOO DOO!!!!!

Viable Options Blog
How many times have I heard and most importantly you yourself have have told me.....I push and push and nearly bust a vessel in my brain and nothing moves. This happens frequently and it is nearly impossible for us to push out a wall of gas. You can feel pretty crampy, bloated and if you could stick a pin in you .... you probably could spin around the relieving all the pressure. The Colon Cleanse comes to the has the perfect balance to create the atmosphere that the gut requires to absorb the healing properties to help stimulate in a gentle and effective way so the colon can relax and let go. Everyone has to find his or her dosage. Taken at bedtime gives the person an opportunity to allow the Colon Cleanse to work without interruption from food, drink or activity....

What’s In Your Numbers

Viable Options Blog
In looking at our life we usually see mountains to climb—well most often most mountains start off as molehills… It’s just another perspective Even before we are born we are assigned numbers, now today even more numbers. When we take our first breath and if you are born in a hospital, we are assigned an APGAR score. APGAR A method to quickly summarize the health of a new child. Virginia Apgar, which the test is named after was an anesthesiologist and she devised this score to test the effects of obstetric anesthesia on babies, (ether) The test ranges from 1-10 and 7-8-9-10 are all normal ranges anything lower may simply mean your baby needed more assistance, breathing, suctioning etc. So, you are beginning to realize how important numbers are to your life. Fo...