Wednesday, January 22

Colon Therapy….A Brief History

The therapy of the colon (large intestine) and its benefits have been known and practiced for hundreds of years.

Dating back to ancient times, enemas were recorded as early as 1500 B.C., in an Egyptian medical document called the “Eber Papyrus”.

Hippocrates, Pare and Galen also advanced the use of enema therapy.

In earlier times, people implemented enema treatments in a river by using a hollow reed to induce water to flow into the rectum.

At an early time in America… Enemas were a commonly used procedure to help maintain health and stave off disease. For example, before the departure of the Lewis and Clarke expedition, a physician instructed them in the appropriateness of using enemas in cases of fever and illness. Our grandparents and great-grandparents grew up with the use of enemas as a widely accepted procedure for reversing the onset of illness.

In the early 1900’s in Battle Creek, Michigan… John H. Kellogg, M.D., extensively used colon therapy on some forty thousand of his patients. In 1917 he reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association — that in all but 20 cases — he used no surgery for the treatment of gastrointestinal disease in his patients.

“In times past, knowledge of the bowel was more widespread and people were taught how to care for the bowel. Somehow, bowel wisdom got lost and it became something that no one wanted to talk about anymore.” Bernard Jensen, D.C.

The popularity of colon therapy reached its apex in the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s. At that time, colon irrigation machines were commonly seen, and regularly used as a standard practice, in hospitals and Doctor’s offices. But in the ensuing 50 to 60 years the public’s use of, and access to, this valuable health treatment greatly decreased. The public’s present lack of knowledge regarding this, and other personal health care treatments, together with the widely held belief by orthodox medicine . . . that such treatments are no longer useful . . . may be the single most important factor in the current ill-health of our population.

Proper bowel management and health will never be achieved through the use of drugs and / or surgery. The answer lies in a time-proven and natural approach… Colon (Hydro) therapy!

In the last 10 years there has been a resurgence of interest in alternative medicine and personal health care responsibility. Once again people are discovering the many health benefits of maintaining a strong and biologically sound colon. This return to using colon therapy has been bolstered by the development of sophisticated colon therapy Techniques, which make these therapies both safe and convenient. It is hoped the grass roots movement towards personal health responsibility, using alternative health therapies to restore and maintain superior health . . will be joined by traditional health care practitioners.

An enema will do about 6-12 inches of the large intestine, a colonic will clean approximately 5 1/2 feet of the large intestine.

There are machine method colon treatments that use a small amount of pressure to introduce the water and to extract the fecal matter.

At Viable Options we only use Dr. Wood’s Gravity Flow Method.

Why Gravity & Not a Machine?

  • There are essentially two methods of Colonic Hydrotherapy: the pressurized or machine method, or the Gravity Method. Viable Options has chosen the Gravity Method Colonic because I believe in the gentle power of gravity. As a practicing colon therapist since 1989, I have experienced both methods, and find gravity-centered colonics deliver the best results. I have many clients who have started with a pressurized or machine method and once they have tried the Gravity Method, they readily see the difference and have remained with me for years. However, I do encourage you to do your own comparison!

The Simplicity and Ease of Gravity

  • The Gravity Method is the original method of colon hydrotherapy. The body is more receptive to the gentle flow of water via natural means.
  • During the colonic session, I direct the treatment in unison with the water.
  • Most people, who are new to colonics, feel that the process is much easier and more relaxing than they anticipate.

The Mechanics of a Gravity Method Colonic

  • There is a 5-gallon tank of water suspended 3 feet above your body, which will be filled several times during the session.
  • As the water enters your body it will simultaneously exit, thus allowing you to feel an emphasis on the exit rather than the input of water.
  • Your elimination is contained in a closed tube, there is no odor or mess and you can see via a situated mirror all that you are evacuating. The bed is heated, the towels are soft and you are covered throughout the session for privacy.

The Instrument – A Speculum

  • The instrument, which is lubricated and gently inserted into the rectum, is called a speculum.
  • Viable Options uses a stainless steel speculum, which is completely sterilized via a process.
  • Surgical tubing (made of firm rubber material) conveys water into the body, and water/waste out of the body directly into the plumbing. This tubing is cleaned and air dried after each client to maintain the utmost hygienic standards.

Your Colon Hydrotherapist

  • The session starts with you on your left side both for insertion and to relieve as much gas as possible to help you eliminate as fast as possible all your impacted waste. Then you are gently placed on your back and through abdominal massage and a gentle manual pulsing of the tube as the water enters and exits your body we can relieve your system of undue toxic sludge.

How We Sterilize our Stainless Steel Speculums:

 Our speculums are scrubbed and rinsed with soap and hot water.

 They are placed into a Medical-Grade autoclave for heat sterilization, similar to what is used by doctors, dentists, etc and autoclaved for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

In The FUTURE! If you are experiencing a colon related health problem, you may be well advised to consult with a Registered Colon Hydrotherapist in your area. That would be me and you can book an appointment at or if you have any questions call 816.438.3451