Wednesday, January 22


I was going to post many links however after being once again on face book and seeing all the posts the factual ones and the “doom and gloom” we are all gonna die ones, everyone has read enough. So I will give you some information that is seriously lacking in all the other posts.

While people are hoarding toilet paper, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes etc., no one is visiting the vitamin aisle that would truly help their bodies fight this virus, I continue to ask “WHY?”

We have 5 exits of releasing the toxins that affect us on a daily basis, each day.

1. Our liver    2.   Our kidneys    3. Our lungs    4.  Our intestines and 5. Our skin

On any given day most humans have 1 -2 eliminating systems working. Since we have five then it stands to reason the other 3 are going to become overworked seriously very soon if we are fighting a health challenge.

My plan of attack has been to order out (although I am one of the few that have 4 systems working very nicely and one that is now only slightly compromised) all the support that these areas need.

They are liver support, kidney support, lung support, colon cleanse and probiotics, Vitamin D3 (for immune boosting qualities) I skin brush for my skin and we also have added BUFFERED Vitamin C and our trusted go to Oil of Oregano. Oil of Oregano is a plaque killer, it is anti bacterial, anti viral, anti spasmodic, anti inflammatory….I use and recommend the capsule form and if you need to use it for a wound you can simply snip the end and drip it on the open sore.

Clients ask me all the time why don’t you ever get sick, well I support all the areas of my body to allow it to detox thoroughly on a daily basis and when I do come into contact with tons of germs my body fights them, however when I get home I reach for 2 capsules of Oil of Oregano and 2 capsules of probiotic. I follow it up with a large mug of yummy tea and call it a night. The next morning I am up and ready to go.

Now let us discuss the cleaning process within Viable Options. I have been a colon therapist for a little over 30 years. I have never in all that time had any sort of infection reported.

My instruments are made of surgical steel….they are cleansed after each time using a bacterial soap and very hot water, they are bagged in a sterilizing pouch and put into an autoclave. They are virtually cooked for 30 minutes at 350 plus degrees.

The tubing and view tube are cleaned per specs and air dried.

I wear gloves during the procedure and while I am scrubbing the instruments, after the gloves are taken off I then wash my hands, again.

The towels that you lie on are sent to a laundry where they use much hotter water than I can get in my home washer and they use lots of bleach. The bed is heated and the sheets are changed regularly.

All the surfaces are cleaned on a daily basis and the bathroom is wiped down in between clients.

I use …. Usually I receive them as gifts from my clients essential oils that I spray and scrub with….On Guard from DoTerra and Thieves from Young Living.

And booking an appointment can help you stay healthy as it moves, literally, copious amounts of old toxins out of your body and helps your body to build up resources to fight the good fight.

Attitude is everything and if you open your body up with all this fear and wringing of the hands then at least be responsible and support your systems as they are working 24-7 to keep you healthy.

If you decide to support and want to order simply call 816.438.3451 and they will be delivered right to your home at no extra charge.

Lighten up your diet so the energy you would use to digest your heavy meals you can use to fight the germs. Curtail your sugar intake as sugar depresses the immune system. Drink lots of warm beverages, hot lemon water, hot chicken or bone broth, keep your sinus membranes moist, (when membranes dry out you can’t keep infection away) use your common sense, get rest.

Any questions contact me at:

To book an appointment: if you have never used schedulicity before then you will have to set up an account. It is very user friendly and once the account is created the icons will pop up and you will go to Healthcare. Once there click on Viable Options and take a PEEK at what is open. Book your appointment filling out the appropriate lines with email and phone number and then you and I will receive a notification. You 24 hours before your appointment …. Me within moments.

Take care and stay well. ReConnect with your family and catch up with your reading, cleaning, TV shows, projects etc., bring the family together again around the table with home cooked meals and play games again. There is always a positive side to any “crisis” and having your family around you and talking etc. sounds pretty good to me.