Saturday, February 22


Survivor, a top TV show for years and I think it may still be on TV for that matter. I am maybe one of the few that have never watched an episode, mainly because I could never ever believe that someone was in such ultimate danger with a camera crew not more than 10 feet away.

Then the drama of all the personalities and then booting someone off…..yikes.

I personally believe that most often people, even those on the show truly wanted, if they weren’t in the running for the money, just wanted the thrill of wearing the shirt … I AM A SURVIVOR ….

I just recently saw in the grocery store this morning a woman wearing a shirt that made me smirk…yes smirk….I survived the 2020 toilet paper shortage.

I, like many have a lot of trouble wrapping our minds around the fear that has gripped people into complete submission of their God given rights. A deep seated delusional Stockholm type syndrome that has engulfed thousands. A fear so deep that no statement of truth can penetrate the shield.

Now what does this have to do with the Survivor, well actually plenty? Let’s use the analogy of a married couple….they are supposedly in love. One day the wife’s mother comes to her and says….”your husband is having an affair” the wife is outraged she won’t believe this…her delusion is her husband is deeply in love with her and would not do this. She has seen, felt, heard things that may have made her go hmmm!!!!! However, no her delusion stays strong…..then her best friend takes her to lunch and nervously says to her…..I saw your husband ….. I know he is having an affair…..the woman says….no …no…no…and now not only is her mom on the do not talk to her anymore list so is her best friend. 

She decides to follow her husband, and she sees for herself what her mom and best friend have been trying to tell her….now the delusion has to be broken and she is at the point of acceptance….if she will accept…..or does she continue seeing the facts and living in her delusion that he still loves her and will end this mistake and all will be well…..because you know she is doing it to save her marriage, her children, her family…..however at some point she may be ready for the shirt I SURVIVED DIVORCE….

She is now a victim …… and she has a whole sisterhood to commensurate with her.  Now stop calling me those ugly names I have been there, kind of…only I was the one telling my mom and best friend.

So I got thinking about things with this COVID-19, such a catchy name. How it has gripped tons of people and brought out their worst fears and how no matter how many articles are printed, video’s shared, postings, CDC listings, doctors coming forward, nurses coming forward, virologists putting their credentials on the line, these people hold tight to the fear instilled by CNN, MSNBC and anything else that will allow their fear to be held tight, sadly because anything other than the administrations rhetoric it will be banned….you have to search for the truth…..and the truth is always worth searching for.

They will allow themselves to become super spreaders as they stand in line for their life saving shot, because they are told that won’t happen, however it is and will always be one of the things that happens when you take a shot like this. You say maybe, NAY….read the last line of the above paragraph. They will allow themselves to be lulled into the idea….’we are doing it for you’ its sad and its evil, and sadly these people will probably never get over their guilt of doing this because they believed the doctors who are owned by big pharma….and they truly wanted to believe they were making a difference.

This will continue and it will get worse ….. WHY???? For the same reason the woman in the store survived the toilet paper crisis of 2020….They have to be a survivor …. they have to believe it is the NON VAXXERS who are killing people and they refuse to look at the FACT….since I am vaccinated how can someone who is not give me this dreaded Covid-19 with a survival rate of 99.8%. They have to save the world….they have to have the shirt….

They won’t or can’t believe that if they supported their immune system then this God given gift to keep you healthy would be able to stave off almost anything and if you did get it you could easily fight it off. When I go to the grocery store and I see carts of pop, chips, Doritos’s, ice cream etc., and not a vegetable in sight, nor a piece of fruit nothing that even smacks of a healthy diet and they have gloves on, they have a mask on, most often they are in a motorized cart and they are shooting devil eyes at me for being healthy, because I don’t have gloves on, nor a mask and I am not shooting devil eyes at anyone I am simply shopping.

You quarantine and mask sick people, NOT healthy ones and we have lost sight of that, we have also lost sight of Flip Flop Fauci saying…..we just have to hold on till summer, heat is the only thing that will kill this virus….well we have gone through two very hot summers and let’s not forget the states that live summer all year round…..

Don’t buy into the SURVIVOR SHIRT …. get off of CNN, MSNBC …..take the time to research with reputable sites….Daily Wire, OAN, Newsy, Epoch Times. Do a search on the government site. Google or DuckDuckGo and research Dr. Christiana Northrup, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. McCullough.

Research this life changing liquid as much as you research probiotics when they are suggested to you and you question everything in it…. vitamins when they are suggested to you, and you ask for proof of every ingredients in your herbal formula, do that kind of research for this JAB. Do you due diligence before you put anything like this Jab into your body, something that will stay until all time, that has the ability to change your body in many ways that cannot be changed back.

Then you can be proud of the shirt that says….WE HELPED PEOPLE STAND UP AND SAY “NO”