Tuesday, January 28

Introducing JustMyThoughts

JMT will over a wide range of topics that I have voiced my thoughts over for years and remain unchanged in many of them. I have been asked over and over to do this blog and finally I relented and decided instead of brewing over things I will share them and get them out of my mind and my heart and in doing so it may help anyone out there who is wondering about the same issues.

Welcome to JMT (aka…. Just My Thoughts) I could not possibly have this blog and relate my thoughts without all of you getting to know Sister Carol.

Her name is Carol and out of deep respect I have always referred to her by her professional title, Sister Carol, order of the Sisters of St. Joseph Mercy. She is a retired Mother Superior of 40 years.

I met Sister Carol when the Catholic Church gave the nuns the option of living out of convent. This meant she could leave her post as Mother Superior and choose an occupation outside of the convent walls. She chose massage therapy and was given permission to go to school and live in an apartment, something that was for her and many of the other nun’s a huge transition.

To graduate the massage school everyone had to take my class which was mandatory and that is where this adventure started and it continues even today.

She has taught me more than I could ever thank her for and I am grateful to her beyond words.

If I could give everyone a Sister Carol who could mentor them this world would be kinder, more loving and more generous.

Now, don’t take that statement as if she is a rollover pansy, oh no…..not at all. She will take you down in a moment and you won’t even know it, she has taken down Bishops and a few Cardinals….and me….!!! After those episodes with the Diocese she was placed on a gag order, she could no longer give her classes, and they were wonderful classes, she, however, stood her ground, fought for what was right for her and the other nun’s and the Diocese caved gave all the nun’s back their benefits and Sister Carol had to agree to her conditions.

Sister Carol has a sense of humor that does not lend to the fact she is a nun, if you get my meaning.

She is retired and lives in a community with other retired nuns and she has convinced everyone that I am her daughter. One day I asked her ….. Why? And here is how the conversation went….

S.C.        Well these nuns have nothing to gossip about so I gave them lots of juice

Linda     Seriously

S.C.        Well I also wanted them to think I had a sordid past!

Linda     And I am your sordid past

S.C.        Yes dear amongst other things.

Sister Carol has enough theological degrees to be a priest if the church allowed women to be one. Sad for the church they have this rule, she would have been awesome……….When I married David, my late husband, Sister Carol served Holy Communion, it is a memory that lives in my heart.

Years later Sister Carol taught me about the two worlds that I have discussed with some of my clients. I didn’t know that I already knew something about the two worlds, as Sister Carol realized one night at my home, I just always felt good about doing my little ritual every night and to be honest I don’t know where I came up with it, I just had a sense about it and did it every night. I still when leaving my little house I put my hand on the door and tell the angels….”protect my home and keep everything safe” and upon my return I give thanks.

So let’s continue….

 Sister Carol was at my home one evening and she watched me simply close the living room drapes hold my hand out and I said a silent prayer……outside world you have no power inside my home, keep my babies safe.

When she heard that she decided I would understand about the two worlds. I made tea and we talked for hours after my kids were in bed.

We have two worlds the outside world that is filled with ruthless people who have secret agendas and an appetite for power and control that far exceeds their ability to care about you in any way. They are following their life path, however in a very negative way. They will try feebly to show you they are there for you, however if you learn discernment you will spot their secret agendas….always go beyond and dig deeper. Most of all follow your instincts, your God given gift. Go quiet and listen to that voice within, the voice that the outside world tries to drown out. The voice that Sister Carol and my Aunt El have nurtured within me to speak loud and clear.

Never go with your feelings or emotions when trying to decide which way to go, simply because those feelings and emotions change sometimes hourly or daily and then you are faced with many consequences, unnecessary ones most often. The world will trick you into believing you have to have the American dream which hasn’t been viable for several years. The perfect home, the best car, the most expensive vacations, designer clothes the list goes on. You will put yourself in debt to save face to the outside world that you don’t even belong to, simply because you weren’t given a ticket to that world. Consider yourself lucky….

Sister Carol started to explain in detail the two worlds….Linda let me tell you about your world. The outside world will ne­­­­­ver be destroyed, the only world that will be destroyed or changed is your own personal world. That is all you have control over, your own personal world.  When things happen in the outside world it will bring all your believes up, good – bad – or indifferent …. Sometimes believes that you have held strong to and have believed in for years will be challenged. Your weaknesses will show and if you allow it they will become your strengths.  You won’t know how strong you are until strong is your only choice. You will be put to challenges you would never ever think you would have to face. Do not let the outside world become your barometer, stay true to your course.

Bring the outside world into your energy, how do you feel? Bring another person into you world…how do you feel? If you are in your world and nothing is wrong and you bring in the outside world’s panic, loneliness, fear, guilt, their measure of success, etc., how do you feel? Stay in your world be discerning and you will know what to let into your world and what to stop.

You must have boundaries, Linda. Not everyone gets to sit in the front row of your life, they earn that right. Keep your promises to yourself and never go against your own knowingness. Do not be a peacekeeper if the peace you are trying to keep hurts your heart.

Simply put, surround your world with all the gifts and talents that your Creator has given you, peace, love, kindness, generosity. Keep the opposites of those out at all costs.

Make sure who you allow into your energy is worthy, spouses, friends, boy/girl friends. Listen always to your heart and be careful it is usually at war with your brain. However, your brain is like a computer it will always be looking for the next exciting fix, the next piece of gossip, the next adventure…..so your heart has to be strong and you must listen to it.

So fast forward to today and all that is happening. We either will go to one side or the other and the outside world will continue to try to pull us apart and separate us at all costs. Everything that is being put out on social media is a true barometer of how they want to destroy anything that eludes to us having unity.  I am appalled at the amount of hatred the outside world has been able to bring out in each individuals private world. I myself have been called names … ugly names from people I don’t even know and have no clue where they came from, it is sad and it does hurt ones heart.

We have been trained for years to not depend on ourselves for any type of knowledge. We google everything …. We ask everyone their opinions on everything from the color to paint something to how to raise our children. My kids lived through the fact we had to figure things out for ourselves or go to our parents who had the knowledge of previously raising us.

We always have choices …. And this is what we see coming out of this take over……

One or two things will be happening

We will either become more independent simply because we have no place to go so we will have to make our own fun and be reconnected with our spouses and our family.

Or, We will learn we don’t need the government as they are not there no matter what party we are talking about can actually do anything for us.

We will learn again like we did in September, 2011 we are Americans and we are strong and we are resilient.

OR, some people will become more dependent on someone else telling them what to do, thus turning over their power to another person and continue to live in fear.

They will continue even more so to believe that somebody else will take care of them and they will never actually need to grow up and handle their life.

This has happened many times in our lifetime and if you don’t know your history you will think this is the first time we have been virtually held hostage, it isn’t and this may be a great time for all to learn true history, because if one doesn’t know their past history then we are vulnerable to repeating again and again.

We always have a choice.