Monday, January 6

It’s The Holiday Season and Once A Year Recipes……

A comprehensive digestive enzyme formula*

Ultrazyme™ is a dietary supplement specifically formulated with bile and active digestive enzymes from animal and plant that act synergistically to assist in fat, protein, and carbohydrate digestion in the stomach and small intestine.*

Pancreatin USP500 mg
Lipase1000 USP/FIP
Amylase12500 USP/FIP
Protease12500 USP/FIP
Bromelain (a proteolytic enzyme from the pineapple plant)150
Extract of Ox Bile50 mg
L-Lysine Hydrochloride50 mg
Pepsin 1:10,00033 mg

Viable Options has always followed the Eat Right For Your Blood Type.

Here are some of the recommendations according to the “Eat Right for Your Type” diet:

  • Those with type O blood should choose high-protein foods and eat lots of meat, vegetables, fish, and fruit but limit grains, beans, and legumes. To lose weight, seafood, kelp, red meat, broccoli, spinach, and olive oil are best; wheat, corn, and dairy are to be avoided.
  • Those with type A blood should choose fruit, vegetables, tofu, seafood, turkey, and whole grains but avoid meat. For weight loss, seafood, vegetables, pineapple, olive oil, and soy are best; dairy, wheat, corn, and kidney beans should be avoided.
  • Those with type B blood should pick a diverse diet including meat, fruit, dairy, seafood, and grains. To lose weight, type B individuals should choose green vegetables, eggs, liver, and licorice tea but avoid chicken, corn, peanuts, and wheat.
  • Those with type AB blood should eat dairy, tofu, lamb, fish, grains, fruit, and vegetables. For weight loss, tofu, seafood, green vegetables, and kelp are best but chicken, corn, buckwheat, and kidney beans should be avoided.

You can easily obtain any of Dr. D’Adamo’s books through the library and or Amazon. Enjoy reading the history of where all the blood types originated from, it is fascinating.

If you are interested in receiving help in digesting your food better, just email me at or call or text at 816.438.3451 and I will order your product out and I can at no extra charge have it delivered to your home.

And guess what organ suffers the most throughout the holiday season…..the gallbladder. Yep, we indulge in so much cream cheese, fatty sausages, pastries, cakes, alcohol all that stuff to an over indulgence and from November through December our gall bladder is choking and forming stones until it can’t do either one any longer and we have a gall bladder attack that some mistake for a heartattack.

Here we are rushed to the hospital and yep between usually Christmas and New Years we lose our gall bladder and the doctors do a ching ching…..its a simple operation with lots of financial benefits.

Didn’t know that one eh????


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