Saturday, February 22

Let’s Book an Appointment

It’s quick and easy to book an appointment with Viable Options. Simply visit to schedule your appointment. Select the blue “Schedule Now” button in the upper right on the Schedulicity site and follow the prompts.

If you have any questions or experience any trouble booking an appointment, give me a call at 816.438.3451.

Additional Colonic Information

Each individually paid session is $60.00. Series price is $550.00 saving you $50.00. You can pay individually or choose to take advantage of a series at any time.

Each client receives a series of 10 colonics over time. When you start your series you will begin with one colonic per week for three weeks. If you choose a series please note that they are non-refundable, non-transferable and must be used within the year. Then the colonics are spaced out over time depending on how fast or slow your body is cleansing until all 10 colonics are completed.

Then a maintenance program begins – this is determined mainly by you and your body. An example of a maintenance program would be having one colonic every one, two or three months. Many clients improve their health by fasting on a regular basis. This is an ideal time to have colonics. An example would be a colonic before starting the fast, in the middle of the fast and after the fast has been completed. Colonics during a fast assist the body in eliminating toxins and can help in reducing any side effects of the fast.

Many of our clients with chronic health issues, for example – cancer, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, skin issues, etc, find that 10 colonics are not enough and choose to have a colonic on a more frequent basis.

Either before or when you start colonics please start taking acidophilus containing both the lactobacillus acidophilus and the bifidocbactenum bifidum acidophilus sold primarily under the name of Acidophilus and Bifidus. We also carry an excellent acidophilus product, which we have found great success with and it is very reasonable in cost.

Suggested servings of acidophilus are generally conservative on most product bottles. We suggest you start out with triple the dose on a daily basis, on an empty stomach, until you see your eliminations floating. After you see this occurring, then you can go back to the recommended dosage on the product label.

Increase your water intake as much as your body wants. Do not increase your water intake for the sake of volume; this is hard on the kidneys.