Wednesday, January 22

Make Wise Decisions Based on Facts About COVID-19

With all the attention on the pandemic, it’s amazing how little people still know about the novel coronavirusCOVID-19 is the disease caused by one of seven types of known human coronaviruses. Like the MERS and SARS coronaviruses, it may have evolved from a virus previously found in animals, though that theory has come under increased scrutiny of late. These other known coronaviruses cause a significant percentage of colds in adults and children, and aren’t a serious threat for otherwise healthy adults.

All viruses accumulate mutations over time, and the virus which causes COVID-19 is no different. Therefore mutations, now changed, are harder to identify and control.

How is COVID-19 spread?

COVID-19 is mainly spread in large droplets by coughing and sneezing. This means that “the air” will likely not infect you, but direct contact with these droplets can lead to infection, and the surfaces where these droplets land can be infectious for about a week on average.

Because of this, everything associated with infected people could be contaminated and potentially infectious. You are unlikely to be infected unless your unprotected face is directly coughed or sneezed upon. This virus seems to attach itself to cell receptors in the nose and throat area. So, if your hands were to touch an infected surface, and you put your hands into or near your mouth or nose, infection could occur.

However, please keep in mind that exposure doesn’t equal infection. In some people, the virus is actually prevented entry.

An Ounce of Perspective

There have been many predictions, recommendations, and government mandates—many of which, in hindsight, have been completely wrong—enacted during the pandemic. For example, in the spring of 2020, many “experts” were warning that millions of Americans would die from the virus. Thankfully, predictions like this haven’t become reality.

Every life is precious, and each casualty of COVID-19 is a tragedy. We must never minimize the fallout from the pandemic.

At the same time, it’s critically important to align our perspective with historical records. The following data are the annual numbers for the leading causes of death in the United States in 2017, provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):

  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Diabetes: 83,564

Since these statistics were reported, the numbers have only increased. Contrary to the impression the news media has created, many more people die each and every year from these ailments—many of which are preventable through lifestyle choices.

And when it comes to COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations, the medical community acknowledges that these comorbid conditions, like those above, greatly contribute to the mortality of COVID-19. Additionally, according to a Harvard University Center for Ethics study, about 128,000 people die annually from drugs prescribed to them, even when they’re taken as directed.

We’re rightly focused on COVID-19 in this country, but let’s not be ignorant of the other statistics, which reflect needless human suffering. Many of these deaths are preventable.

Any population that increases consumption of refined sugars, chemically-altered highly-processed foods, and trans fats while decreasing activity and sleep quality—and lives in fear—will have less effective immune systems and higher disease prevalence.

We now have an opportunity to view our current pandemic from a different lens. The question then becomes, are you in panic mode, reacting to the pandemic, or being proactive about your long-term health?

Reactive or proactive?

Obviously, we’re all affected by the mass hysteria created with consistent media coverage, ever-changing government mandates, and vaccine confusion.

It’s no secret that immunocompromised people are more likely to have serious effects from any virus. On the other hand, those with younger and more robust immune systems generally get sick less, have less severe symptoms, and recover faster. Athletes generally have few symptoms, for obvious reasons.

So how does a person become immunocompromised?

Here are some definite contributors:

  • Consistent consumption of the “standard American diet” consisting of highly processed and refined foods which contain few nutrients, and often contain carcinogens.
  • Lack of adequate sleep
  • Uncontrolled stress
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle

On the flip side, there are ways we can strengthen our immune systems.

11 Ways to Bolster Your Immune System

  1. Don’t live in fear. This will only weaken your system by producing massive amounts of cortisol.
  2. Maintain adequate sleep.
  3. Use colloidal silver products to wipe your hands and spray in your nasal passages and mouth. Wipe down seats frequented by multiple people.
  4. Consume sulforaphane-yielding broccoli sprouts or powder supplements. They can assist the body in repelling viral entry.
  5. Take vitamin C as an anti-viral—2000 to 4,000 mg per day is recommended, but always check with your physician.
  6. Zinc lozenges. These lozenges have been shown to be effective in blocking coronavirus—and most other viruses—from multiplying in your throat and nasopharynx.
  7. Optimize Vitamin A, 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily, and Vitamin D, 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily.
  8. Consume plenty of nitric-oxide-yielding foods to ensure optimal oxygenation. Examples are beets and melons.
  9. Eat real food containing plenty of fruits and vegetables. When selecting, use the following criteria: organic, grass-fed, hormone and antibiotic free, free range, and wild caught.
  10. Enjoy at least three hours of moderate exercise per week.
  11. Become disease confident. This means don’t expect to get sick. Expect to be one of the healthy majority.

Make choices based on facts and communicate those facts to your family—and extended family—in a clear, consistent manner.

Our bodies are amazing in their ability to protect us from the many dangers we face on this Earth. As we re-emerge into more social interaction this summer, it’s also the perfect time to make positive changes to your own lifestyle.

Drs. Mark and Michele Sherwood are the founders of a successful medical practice and help patients from around the world find the health they were created to enjoy, in every area of life. As bestselling authors, podcasters, movie producers, and media personalities, they founded Hope Dealers International to reach beyond their clinic. For more information, visit their website: