Sunday, February 23

Natural Sunlight:

Humans need sunlight, Daniel Gonzales Maglio, a professor at the University of Buenos Aires and researcher in the field of photo immunology, recently told The New York Times, there is some limited but convincing evidence of moderate sunlight exposure is capable of modulating the immune system and improving health.

(Extra note: the 1918 Pandemic was cured after they restructured their protocol and then put all the beds with the patients in them outside in not only fresh air also bright sunlight. )

Of course, sunlight is not a cure or treatment for the novel coronavirus, but it could offer some benefits you could use right now. Adequate sunlight exposure is associated with better mood, improved sleep quality, and better immune function.

(Another insert…..this man made patented virus is the only one of its kind that will be killed by high temps and being outside on a sunny hot day is just what is ordered…..) To read the full store click link below