Sunday, February 23

Numbers Never Lie

2021 is a 5 year. How do we get this number, simply by adding 2+2+1=5

A five year is all about self responsibility. The more we are disciplined to have self responsibility the more FREEDOM we achieve.

This coming year will see many of us hunkering down and working on ourselves in major ways. Often I have spoken about the “two” worlds that exist. Our personal world and the world that we have very little control over, that is the world that those who are in power do all their schemes and power plays.

I taught my children this when they were small. Stretch your arms out….this is your private space, no one enters this space without your permission. I taught them to set their boundaries within this space. Even today, as they are both grown adults I do not enter their space without permission. It is a sign of respect and if we don’t show our children that they deserve earned respect they will not learn it the right way on the streets.

Stretch your arms out, that is your space, that is what you are responsible for and the more that space is clear about who you are, what your believes are, your intentions will determine what enters that space on an hourly, weekly, monthly, yearly time slot.

Being a single mom, it was just the 3 of us for several years. When the drapes were closed it was a signal to my children that that outside didn’t exist anymore and we were safe, fed, happy and we were all together. When the morning came and the drapes opened we were all ready to face that outside world. I learned and passed it to my children that the outside world was not ours, we were only responsible for our world and our space and if that space was positive then it would ripple out within the outside world and return positive back to us.

In your world you are safe, fed, clothed, you have what you need and many times things you want. When we pull in the outside world into our world the two very very often do not mesh and then we are anxious, depressed, scared, afraid to move ahead all negatives that we let in to destroy our world that we are consciously building everyday.

Don’t get me wrong, I am no PollyAnna with rose colored glasses, I am fully aware of what is happening in the outside world, however I do not allow it to enter my world. That is why the numbers have fascinated me and have helped me in countless ways. Do you think for a moment God in his/her infinite wisdom would put us on this plane of existence without some form of divining to better understand our Universe and God’s role in it? Do you think we have been left powerless without a choice as to when and where we come to this plane of existence? Do you think we don’t choose our parents, the parents who hold the keys to help your soul learn the life lessons you have chosen? Do you think you haven’t written it into your life plan the obstacles you would face to learn those life lessons?

Two people who are brought together form the vehicle (our body) that will hold our soul on this plane. That body is created however it is not always those two people who created it job to raise this baby. This baby wanted to come to planet and the people who processed the blueprints to create the scenario for this child could not through whatever reason create the body, so the child comes through another couple and will find its way to the parents whose job it truly is to raise that child.

Now that we have gotten way off track for this article, let’s get back and finish up on the “5” year we have just entered.

A “5” year is all about learning how to find our inner freedom, through discipline, focus, and our depth of experience, simply meaning if we don’t have the life skills for what we want to accomplish then we seek help. Help in whatever form speaks to you. Mine has always been the path less chosen, the numbers, tarot readings, I love anything that has to do with moving energy, Reiki is one of my favorites. Acupuncture, anything that helps me learn about myself on a deeper level that helps my soul work through, what I call our bag of rocks. Once that bag is empty we are ready for the next journey, whatever our choice may be. See, no one tells us so we don’t know just how powerful we truly are.

(Taken from The Life You Were Born To Live by Dan Millman)


Imagine a bird soaring high above, feeling one kind of freedom. To experience life fully, it must land and go through the arduous task of building a nest. Through this discipline comes another kind of freedom, to experience the depths of its life. How have you felt free, and how have you felt trapped? Can you apply the discipline in your life to explore the depths and, in those depths, to find another kind of freedom?

Adventure is not outside; it is within…..David Grayson

And shared from a dear dear friend…..

“For what it’s worth; it’s never too late, or in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you meet people with a different view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.” F. Scott Fitzgerald