Saturday, February 22


Now remember when you click on this button you truly wanted to read my thoughts so if you don’t like my thoughts then as they use to say…..”turn the channel” in this case “unclick the button”….

I picked up a magazine from a local store the other day, one that I like to preview for the recipes and catering layouts. I use to cater and still do on occasion so I always am interested in different ways of not only preparing food also in presenting the food.

As I finished the magazine I closed it and on the back cover was PRIDEMONTH….I stared at it for a moment or two and instantly I was reminded of an article featuring Morgan Freeman who was being asked what he thought of Black History Month….his reply “if you want to stop racism….stop talking about it” then he went on to say “Why do we have Black History Month, it’s all history, it’s all America’s history.” Mr. Freeman is a wise man, a man I have respected for many years not only for his clear, logical responses to obscure happenings, also for his gifts and talents as an actor who has entertained millions.

The more I thought about it the more I questioned….Why don’t we have “Single Mother’s Month” how about “Single Dad’s Month” what about “Lawn Care Month” I think everyone should be on board for “Grocery Store Month” I could go on and on and I am sure you get the point…it’s ridiculous.

Now before you make rash decisions about me and start to call me out on this, know this….I have many acquaintances who are gay and or lesbian. I have been out to dinner with them, laughed with them and I have presented this question to them….”Why PRIDEMONTH?” Their answer as I suspected….Who knows….they have way too much time on their hands….they want to be accepted then they have to have a parade and a whole month dedicated to themselves….it’s just not real.

Recently we had a fair at the office, and I had the honor of meeting a lot of really nice vendors and one in particular, a wonderfully talented black woman,  I sat down with and asked …. With all due respect can you tell me how you perceive Black Lives Matter…. She looked at me and for a moment I truly did hold my breathe….however she said “Kindly do not mention that foul organization in the same breathe as you mention my name” she went on to say “Any Christian Black person would not give these people the time of day”….so I thought as long as I was batting a thousand I would ask her about Black History Month…her reply….”I like to see the different documentaries however when you have something like that it makes us separate from everyone else and I thought the whole thing was to make us all together’”

So why can’t we all just not put labels on people, assign a whole month to a sect of people who want to be accepted and for the most part they are until they start to infringe their lifestyle on to straight people. They don’t want us doing the same to them. Can we all just recognize each other’s boundaries, respect them and have a nice day. I am fully accepting of anyone’s lifestyle until they insist on reading stories to children in school in drag….I am fully accepting of anyone’s lifestyle until the schools want to teach our children about gay marriage, lesbian lovers etc., this doesn’t belong in school, it belongs if necessary in the privacy of one’s home. It may require parents to step up and be parents, teach your children and stop letting them learn the ABC’s of life in venues that have no business teaching those ideas to our children.

Where does it stop….???? Like I started to say early …. Where is Grocery Store Month….Blonde Haired Month…Red Haired Month…Boaters on the Lake Month….

I guess the answer is it stops when we stop it….when we don’t give it any energy…we stay in our own world and give the outside world nothing back but love and eventually we will all realize we are just humans each having different experiences….experiences we have chosen however they aren’t ones that need to be blaring in our face screaming accept me or else…..