Sunday, February 23

Spring Is Coming

Our systems have their own maintenance schedules and when we allow our bodies to run these scheduled cleanses our body rewards us with good health.

Most people when Spring comes along starts sneezing, followed by watery eyes, trouble sometimes breathing.

They reach for the over the counter remedies such as Claritin or they go for the more potent ones delivered in prescription form.

What would you say if you could alleviate most of this discomfort when Springtime arrives with just a few, well maybe more than a few adjustments during the winter months.

Just like our homes we Spring clean it, so our bodies do this also, in the form of colds, watery eyes, etc., which are releases. Hayfever is a cleaning of our body….believe it or don’t. What we have ingested throughout the winter months will not serve us come Springtime.

Don’t you when the weather turns cold crave hot, warm comfort foods. Heavy soups, chili’s, breads, macaroni dishes, etc., Then Spring peeks around the corner and we start looking at fresh salads, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables. These are all heavy duty cleansers within our bodies and as such will force all the left over foods that we have stored during the winter time out. We are like the bears in the wild, we like to hibernate, however unlike the bears we continue to eat. We usually pack on a few pounds only to most likely drop the weight come Springtime.

That is just one reason my schedule is usually filled to capacity as the seasons change people come in for some relieve and to ensure they don’t get the dreaded “hay fever” aka Spring cleaning.

You still have some time to get a jump on your internal spring cleaning by upping your pre/pro biotics to create that “friendly” flora most of us are missing. This helps to create an environment that will not allow harmful gases to form. Gases that will actually form, because they are large enough, produces blocks which we refer to as dams throughout our large intestine. When this happens it traps the toxic waste inside of us way too long and then we are actually distributing this toxic substance throughout our system 24/7. Each and everyday we hold this waste inside our system it cooks becomes more hard, more toxic and it will leave deposits on all of our organs.

Believe me when I say after 30+ years of being a colon therapist I see noxious vial putrefied waste coming out of my clients. After a session and this horrific gunk is eliminated they within moments look like a totally different person.

When I say, see for yourself I am not doing it to solicit more clients, (as I have been told in a private message) I, by the Grace of God do not have to advertise, I am strictly word of mouth which is the best advertisement. I am associated with 8 doctors who trust me with the health of their clients, and I am humbled by this trust.

I have worked tirelessly to build my practice first in Michigan and then for the last 18 years here in Missouri. I love what I do, simply because I love helping people get well and stay well. I love the smiles when they have finished a treatment and they tell me they can’t believe how awesome they feel, I don’t know too many professions that can say when their clients leave they leave with such joy in their hearts knowing they are going to sleep so well that night and beyond. I don’t know any other profession that can say they truly look forward to opening their doors every morning and welcoming not just clients newly formed acquaintances and some of them go on to become life long friendships. I am truly blessed and I am eternally grateful each and every day.

So let’s Spring clean our way into a healthy happy summer.