Saturday, February 22

What If’s…..

What If Life is truly an illusion and we are really living in a Matrix. Remember, back in 1999 a really far out, special effect movie came out that every one was raving about. What If it was just another way of either warning us or trying to wake us up to what was really going on.

My late husband, David always had an inclination that movies where more than just entertainment, they always held a lesson, a wake up call, a sort of what to do list. When he decided to become more involved with FEMA and certain parts of the FBI he learned a lot of things the average individual isn’t privy to, me included.  Finally one day David said….”you know that the government has a contract with Hollywood to produce films that tell people in plain sight what is really happening and then they use a rating system that tells them people’s reactions to that movie.”

Fast forward to several years from that conversation and sadly he is gone and I have just been introduced to a wonderful woman, by phone, who was seeking my services. She lived in Los Angeles and through a mutual friend in Las Vegas we connected via a phone conversation. She decided to fly in to Missouri and stay a few weeks and avail herself of my services, foot baths, colonics, BARS (no not the drinking ones) BARS is a wonderful technique that many of my clients choose to totally relax and bring up what truly is lurking in the shadows. It’s kinda like defragging your computer, however this is the shorten version.

So this wonderful woman just happen to be married to one of the HBO’s VP’s, so we had a very interesting conversation. She totally agreed with what David had said years ago. “Of course, Linda they have had contracts with the movie industry for years, no one does anything behind anyone’s back, it always out in the open however people are so busy being entertained, eating their chips and salsa and slugging back a beer they don’t look beyond the special effects, and that is what they (Government) is hoping for.

Take for example, she said….Independence Day it was released what 1996, great movie, great stars and the government was able to track people’s reactions to aliens. Don’t forget…. War Of The Worlds…(the only film that truly scared David…)  Look at Deep Impact, it was done in 1998 and had Morgan Freeman as the President….again they tracked people’s reactions to a black president.

I met this woman 2014 before any of this COV-19 episodes started, however at the time I met her she remarked the movies about virus’s is mind blowing…..remember she remarked in 1995 we had Outbreak all about a virus passed on by a monkey….

We have had virus movies released in 2016, 2017 and 2021 with more slated to be released. Do you see a correlation to what they release and what happens.

Disaster movies….The Day After pushed Al Gore’s “Climate Change”… look at the more supernatural movies coming out that super heroes safe the day….not too far out there….

Wake up people….usually if you want to know something find a movie look at it beyond the special effects….look at what is truly happening, what they are trying to tell you without being completely obvious. It becomes a game however that is all life is a game….unfortunately you and I aren’t given the rule book.

I have thought about things for years, being married to David he pushed me out of my comfort zone almost daily with What If’s…. he was constantly preparing us daily for what was coming. Did he know exactly, no I don’t believe so….he just knew we were headed in a direction that would prove to be very very difficult to maneuver.

I lately haven’t seen a movie being released that shows a sunny bright day ahead with the evil of the world destroyed and we are living in a Utopia that I have read about, hopefully Hollywood can get busy on making that one instead of all the “We are all gonna die ones”