Monday, February 24

What Your Body Requires To Fight A War and Then To Stay Healthy

We really do not need any more doom and gloom predictions of any kind, however, we do need to know how to fight it if it comes knocking at our door.

Our bodies have five (5) eliminating exits that must all be working well together to determine if we stay healthy and if we are able to fight the good fight.

As a colon therapist for the past 30 years, I can honestly tell you most individuals have maybe 2 possibly 3 exits working. That leaves the other 2 working overtime and ready to wear out at any time.

Let’s go through the exits…..

The Skin, this is your biggest eliminative organ. It eliminates toxins by sweating. It needs to be kept clean and the pores open for good elimination. If you are not pushing the toxins out via your pooh and or your pee, the skin will take on the duty in the form of rashes, pimples, black heads. Your skin can become pale, grayish, lack any healthy color and you can develop tons of wrinkles and crinkles. Smooth healthy skin comes from within to the outside, not the other way around. Tons of moisturizer only clogs up the pores and gives us a false sense of smooth skin.

Lots of hydrating with a little lemon and a pinch of sea salt to open the cells to cleanse out the toxins on a daily basis. Warm lemon water in the morning helps with the froggy throat and its super healthy.

Lemon is the only citrus that alkaline the body as soon as you drink it.

The Kidneys….are one of our filtration systems. Located in the lower back they also house on top of them the adrenals. Although the adrenals don’t filter they do handle our stress levels. When the adrenals are weak we have difficulty sleeping, we are tired all the time. The adrenals are looking for energy and they will pull it from all parts of the body.

Most often people with weak kidneys or tired adrenals have what we call “shiners.” Under their eyes, it’s darker than the rest of the skin. I see them in children all the time as they live on sugar and juice. Until a child is at 3 their juice should be diluted as the sugar is too strong and it weakens the kidneys. Most children live on sugar and carbs

With what we are all facing these days the adrenals really do need to be addressed to help us sleep better and to keep them healthy.

The lungs…..lungs are most often or should be moist and as such, they usually are the breeding grounds for yeast. That nasty organism that wreaks havoc within our system. It can grow on our organs much like the moss that covers the sides of our house. Within our bodies, it can become like pieces of glass that can harm our organs.

In TCM…traditional Chinese medicine, there is a saying…The earth element creates the damp and the metal element stores it. The lungs and the intestines are associated with the metal element.

How do we get rid of the dampness, we avoid cold foods as well as sugar, white flour, booze (small social amounts are fine) fried foods, simple carbs. We stop feeding the yeast which grows on sugars of all kinds. Yeast growth contributes to brain fog, restlessness, excessive phlegm, jock itch, toe fungus, yeast infections, the list goes on.

At this time with the chosen virus we need our lungs in great working order and supported throughout this time and beyond. Give your body what it needs, fresh air, a simple diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, take deep deep breathes and blow out the same way, deeply. Get all that stagnant air out of your lungs.

The Liver…..the skin is the largest external organ and the liver is the largest internal organ. The main job of the liver is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. The liver also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. It does not matter if they are prescription drugs or fun recreational ones, the liver has to work to break them down. As the liver does its job it secretes bile that ends up back in the intestines.

So whatever you ingest even the air you breathe has to be filtered through your liver. The energy of the liver is called “Chi” and sometimes when the liver gets hot, either by food, drink, out of control emotions, worry etc., the Chi can flow upwards towards the head. When that happens I listen to my clients tell me they have heat behind their eyes, stiff neck and shoulders, migraines, they are edgy, tired etc.

It never fails after a treatment the toxins are pulled out of the body and the liver relaxes, and if they have come in with a migraine, it has been reduced to a small headache which will move out and its gone, along with all the other symptoms mentioned.

The liver works very very hard 24/7 … 365 days of the year, it will take care of you if you take care of it.

The intestines…..also known as the small and large colon. This has been my area of expertise for 30 years. Trust me, I never thought leaving the corporate world I would become a colon therapist. However, I have loved helping people get well, as my colon therapist helped me overcome my almost deadly health challenge.

The small intestine is about 20 feet long and the large intestine about 5 feet, give or take a foot. They are about 3 inches in diameter.

The purpose of the large intestine is to absorb water and salts from the material that has not been digested as food and get rid of any waste products left over. By the time food mixed with digestive juices reaches your large intestine, most digestion and absorption has already taken place.

If you are taking in 3 meals a day your body should be eliminating 3 times a day. 2-3 inches in diameter, 6-12 inches in length and if it is a healthy release there is no need for toilet paper. If this is not your schedule then you are storing waste that will back up into all your organs, muscles and tissues causing you to age and develop health challenges.

Your system needs to have a balance of acid/alkaline to function healthy everyday. Too much acid and you become a breeding ground for all kinds of health challenges. Too alkaline you can’t digest your food properly.

You can buy Ph balance strips at most health food stores and or order them online from Amazon. If you test your balance in the morning it should be tested on the second pee never the first. Each time you eat and then test you will get a different number since what your eating will be more acidic or alkaline.

Drinking apple cider vinegar is phenomenal to bring your body into the proper acid/alkaline ratio. On the contrary the apple cider vinegar is not acidic once it is consumed. It actually has an alkaline effect as it adjusts your bodies Ph level. When our Ph level is kept between acidic and alkaline we side step any and all disease. Here is a non-chemical form of Alka Seltzer. This formula works within 10 minutes on acid reflux or a sour stomach. It has never failed me and within minutes I am fast asleep after indulging in foods that I know I shouldn’t eat however sometimes I do. Here is the recipe…..2 tablespoons of ACV (apple cider vinegar), 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, mix together in a tall glass because it will fizz up, once it is done fizzing pour in about a shot glass full of water, stir and drink.

I have only had to do this twice in one night when I ate pizza followed by cake which I seldom ever eat followed by chips to get the sweet taste out of my mouth and washing it all down with wine……I have never put this combination together ever….see even a colon therapist can fall off her healthy wagon…..

So there you have your five exit points and why they are important.