Wednesday, January 22

What’s In Your Numbers

In looking at our life we usually see mountains to climb—well most often most mountains start off as molehills…

It’s just another perspective

Even before we are born we are assigned numbers, now today even more numbers.

When we take our first breath and if you are born in a hospital, we are assigned an APGAR score.


A method to quickly summarize the health of a new child. Virginia Apgar, which the test is named after was an anesthesiologist and she devised this score to test the effects of obstetric anesthesia on babies, (ether)

The test ranges from 1-10 and 7-8-9-10 are all normal ranges anything lower may simply mean your baby needed more assistance, breathing, suctioning etc.

So, you are beginning to realize how important numbers are to your life.

For this class we will use the belief that we create our life path, we actually determine our parents, our place of birth, our time (not so much now) and the circumstances surrounding our life plan. We are never born victims…..and I will admit readily for fleeting moments I myself have felt like a victim….then I stop and look at what lesson is coming my way…and that keeps you in empowerment and takes you out of victimhood…..that should be taught in childhood, however, most often it is ours to learn as adults.

*** Did you know more than 85% of how you view your world comes from your mother’s egg and your father’s semen ….. It is our job to work through these life forces and that is why we choose our birthdates so our soul can achieve its destiny.

It is a fun fun class packed with facts to help you maneuver through your chosen set of circumstances on a daily basis.

Classtime will be set soon and it will be on a Sunday (funday) afternoon, with refreshments.