Wednesday, January 22

Your Best Birth

“Whenever and however you give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body, and your spirit for the rest of your life.” – Ina May Gaskin

The state of maternity care in the United States is upsetting. Obstetric intervention and cesarean sections have been steadily on the rise, leaving women with unpleasant birth experiences and creating the worst maternal outcomes out of 11 high-income countries. Besides needing to stand up to our healthcare system and Providers to demand better care, women need to take control of their birth experience by preparing for a natural childbirth.  

Despite what society tells us, most women are inherently capable of birthing their babies naturally. It’s a beautiful gift for both your baby and you.  It allows you to have more choices throughout the birth process, and research shows that women who feel in control of their birth are more satisfied as a result.

To help couples prepare for the birth they desire, it’s beneficial to take an independent birth class.  The Bradley Method® of natural childbirth is a weekly course for couples that will teach them techniques to help naturally alleviate pain.  For example- massage, breathing, counter pressure, hydration, water therapy, exercises, labor positions, and the key to natural childbirth; relaxation!  When women can relax mentally and physically, and give in to labor, the more effective their uterus will work.  If women let fear creep in and get into the fight or flight mode, the more their bodies tense up.  Fear and stress make the uterus work harder, as well as produce hormones that are counterproductive to labor, thus making labor longer, more painful, and potentially stall.  Learning how to surrender to the birth process, with the loving support and encouragement from your partner, can create an empowering experience for women.

To begin setting up your best birth, it’s important to have a Provider you fully trust and who supports your birth plan, you birth where you feel most comfortable, and you educate yourself on all the options available to you by taking an independent birth class.

“There is a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.” -Laura Stavoe Harm

Every woman and baby deserve a joyful birth day! If you are interested in learning more, take a Bradley Method® class. My next class series begins Feb. 19th near Parkville. I would love to teach you how to work with your body in labor, how your partner can best support you, and how to have the safe and natural birth you desire. Visit for more information.