Saturday, February 22

When Everything Changes Change Everything by Neale Donald Walsh

I have read many books by this author and they are all very spiritual, very thought provoking, very soothing to the soul. This book actually fell off the shelf at the local library, as many books do if you are needing what is inside when I walked over one day from the lofts that I was living in at the time.

I had just lost David a few months prior to this aimless walk around N. Kansas City and actually ducked into the library to cool off. As I said this book literally flew off the shelf and I picked it up and started to look through it….

On the flap, it read…”This book speaks to the heart of every person who has lost their bearings in the aftermath of a major life change … and to those who would help them. I immediately checked this book out and then I ordered it from Amazon to read and re-read as necessary.

Let me share a quote from Page 16 that finally gave an explanation to the depth of what was happening to me and to anyone who has experienced this kind of loss. David’s death was a major shift, we aren’t talking about changing one’s clothing or the menu for lunch or the evening’s TV agenda. We are talking about the Earth standing still and not being able to breathe.

“Change is the shifting of any circumstance, situation, or condition, physical or nonphysical, in such a way that the original is rendered not merely different from what it was, but altered so radically as to make it utterly unrecognizable and impossible to return to anything resembling its former state.”

Mr. Walsh continues to explain reference points…..I had lost all my reference points and I had to find new reference points and that is where the journey starts ….

I named it….(I had just seen an advertisement for the showing of Finding Nemo) Finding Linda…. every day I tried to try, some days were killers, however, no matter how hard they seemed as I opened my eyes I soon realized I would be hearing a knock on the door and there would be my son, Jay telling me….’ get dressed…it’s time to go to work (that meant I would either be on a roof shingling. standing in front of a wall with a sledgehammer ready to tear it down, helping to set a toilet…whatever simply because that is the only way he knew how to save his mom and not let her become angry, bitter, a recluse…and it worked….

As I continued to read the book and continued to put into practice all his suggestions I allowed more and more people in to help me along my journey.

There is no right way or wrong way…there is just that way…one foot in front of the other going forward….however it is a choice and once made you will find parts of you that you let go for many reasons as I realized when I found the book….Divorceless Relationships, which has nothing to do with divorcing your spouse and everything to do with divorcing parts of you throughout the years as you move through motherhood, being a wife, being sibling ….. just being someone who tried to create peace and harmony and what it actually cost you. It’s an exciting book Divorceless Relationships….I will give you a hint….I found my love again for 3 inch heels, bought them, and then found myself on a cruise…however I won’t give away anything else….You will have to read and find out for yourself.